Confusion about example sentence

While I was doing this grammar lesson, I came across this example sentence:


I’m a bit confused that the sentence isn’t “レポートを()きあげた?”, because going off the translation, somone is doing the writing of the report, which means it should use the transistive ()げる instead of the instransistive ()がる, right? If I translated the sentence, I would’ve wrote it as somthing like “Was the writing of the paper finished?”. Why is it using the intransistive verb instead of the transistive one?

Any help is appreciated!

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Framing like this is actually not uncommon. In English we tend to talk about actions more actively with more focus on the actor than in Japanese. That said I do think あげる would work here (the は doesn’t tell us whether the report is a subject or an object), but its past form is あげた (no っ).


Think of it the way passive can be used in english. “Has the report been written?”, but that would just bait you into thinking of passive. Cant win with translations.


Thanks for the help everyone!

Ah, sorry, I wrote that in a rush and forgot that あげる is Ichidan :sweat_smile: Fixed it now.