Consistently low reviews results

Hi guys,
I noticed recently that my review performance went really low.
It averages around 50% and rarely goes above 60%.
I took 2 months break in Nov and Dec and had to remove couple points when restarted daily sessions after Xmas. I usually do 15-30 sentences a day and I am in the middle of N4.
It looks like i keep making mistakes all over, not only for some points.
It was ages since I added any new points (September).
How low should the stats go before you decide to go back to basics and restart from the beginning of N5 or N4?


A couple thoughts…
Considering you took a break, that sounds normal.
Maybe you could turn on ghosts to maximum to get lots of practice to “catch up”?
Maybe you need more outside reading, from the Reading tab or from books, to get more practice?
If, after a 2-3 weeks, you’re still uncomfortable then I’d reset. (And the second time through will be much easier)
がんばって ください!


What is you grammar resource of choice? Bunpro is meant more for review than for “studying” grammar.

That may be source your problem. I would recommend review Cure Dolly and Tae Kim. Many grammar point as well are just vocab really (adverbs in most of the cases). Adding them to Anki may help.

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I might suggest taking a look at what you’re actually having problems with. I had some trouble for a while where I was getting a ton wrong, but truly I was having trouble conjugating V(nai)form accurately. That issue was popping up in a variety of other grammar points and obscured my actual difficulty until I really examined what I was doing wrong in each problem and found the pattern.

Slow each review down, turn off bunny mode, turn on ghosts. Check each review, see what you’re getting right, and what your getting wrong. If you get one wrong, go through the steps to figure out if you know how to get the right answer. Are you confusing two (or more) words? Conjugating improperly? Is it a concept you don’t really remember, or do you pretty much know it but have forgotten the fine details? Make a list of your problem areas and look for resources to watch or read to help reinforce your knowledge and iron out any problem areas. Review the example sentences on BunPro or write your own and have an online group check that they’re correct.

I’m not sure restarting will help terribly much, you don’t seem to be overloaded with reviews, just doing poorly on those you have. So focus on those, if you find some you’re having particular trouble with, perhaps remove them from reviews until you get the others under control, then come back and open them back up after going over the


I would remove even more grammar points until the accuracy rate is comfortable for you. Turn on all English hints by default. Write down the sentences on paper.
Most importantly, use the Cram feature, put in troublesome grammar points and drill around 3-4 of them at a time to oblivion.