Cram session how to add grammer

Hi is there a quick way to add ‘all studied grammar’ instead of having to go through all the lists to cherry pick the ones you’ve learned?

I’m currently doing genki II right now but sometimes ill add a random grammar point I pick up on the way.

I faintly remember bunpro had a study all learned grammar selection but cant find it anywhere :frowning:
Any feedback would be great :slight_smile:



Go to Cram, choose Grammar, add all the decks and then mark the ‘No Spoilers’ option. I think this should do the trick!

BTW, you can do this same thing with the Textbooks, and add the Genki IIs currently available:


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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Have a great day!

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The category “Special” might be useful too, since you can choose the specific SRS level there:

If you learn grammar and vocab though, then there is no differentiation between them, unfortunately.

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