Cure Dolly Path (Beta)

There’s been quite a bit of interest in a Bunpro Cure Dolly Path.

A few months back I started to chart the path myself, so hopefully this will be useful to some, and may even kickstart an official pathway on here eventually.

I got through the first 13 lessons.
If enough interest is shown, I might do more (or someone else can).


Each post contains a Cure Dolly lesson with a list of all the Bunpro grammar items discussed in that lesson.
I’ve mapped the grammar items used according to the native Bunpro N5-N1 lessons pathway.


  • Cure Dolly Lesson (1-13)
  • Link to the video for that lesson
  • Grammar Item (bolded)
  • Bunpro description of grammar item
  • Lesson on Bunpro path
  • Link to that item on Bunpro
  • Cure Dolly lesson where item should be added

Note: For that last point, I’ve done my best to list all the Bunpro grammar items that are used in each Cure Dolly lesson, but she may not explain the item well enough in an earlier video to add it to your practice list yet. So the one listed is where she explains it sufficiently enough. If an additional lesson is listed, it gives more information, clarity, or covers a different nuance of said grammar point.


Lesson 01

Subject marking particle, Identification particle

N5 Lesson 2: 1/12

CD: L02

To be, Is

N5 Lesson 1: 1/12

CD: L01


Adjectives ending in い

N5 Lesson 1: 10/12

CD: L01

Verb (Non-Past)


N5 Lesson 6: 10/13

CD: L04


Lesson 02

Subject marking particle, Identification particle

N5 Lesson 2: 1/12

CD: L02


Object marking particle

N5 Lesson 2: 6/12

CD: L02


Lesson 03

As for… (Highlights sentence topic)

N5 Lesson 1: 3/12

CD: L03

In, At, To, For, On

N5 Lesson 3: 2/13

CD: L04 - L08

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Lesson 04

Verb (Non-Past)


N5 Lesson 6: 10/13

CD: L04


Is, Am, Are (~ing)

N5 Lesson 5: 10/12

CD: L04


To be, There is, To remain (in a state)

N5 Lesson 3: 8/13

CD: L07

-Verb (Past)

る - Verbs (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 4: 7/13

CD: L05

-Verb (Past)

う - Verbs (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 4: 8/13

CD: L05

In, At, To, For, On

N5 Lesson 3: 2/13

CD: L04

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Lesson 05

-Verb (Past)

る - Verbs (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 4: 7/13

CD: L05

-Verb (Past)

う - Verbs (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 4: 8/13

CD: L05


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Lesson 06

-Adjective + (Noun)

Describing a noun

N5 Lesson 4: 2/13

CD: L06

~た + (Noun)

Verb modified noun, Relative clause

N5 Lesson 6: 11/13

CD: L06


Adjectives that are also nouns

N5 Lesson 1: 11/12

CD: L06

-Adjective + (Noun)

Describing a noun

N5 Lesson 4: 3/13

CD: L06

Indicates possession

N5 Lesson 1: 8/12

CD: L06

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Lesson 07


To be, There is

N5 Lesson 3: 7/13

CD: L07

Note: I can’t see an option in Bunpro for a sentence like: ぺんがない。



N5 Lesson 1: 5/12

CD: L07


Is not, Isn’t

N5 Lesson 6: 5/13

CD: L07

-Verb (Negative)

Will/Does/Do (not)

N5 Lesson 2: 8/12

CD: L07

-Verb (Negative)

Will/Does/Do (not)

N5 Lesson 2: 7/12

CD: L07

(Adjective て form – how to transform, but doesn’t explain use)


Not (Adjective)

N5 Lesson 4: 13/13

CD: L07

-Adjective (Past)

Was, Were (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 3: 13/13

CD: L07


Was not, Wasn’t (Adjective)

N5 Lesson 6: 7/13

CD: L07

Verb (Non-Past)


N5 Lesson 6: 10/13

CD: L04

-Verb (Past)

う - Verbs (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 4: 8/13

CD: L05


Is, Am, Are (~ing)

N5 Lesson 5: 10/12

CD: L04

(Formal: ません)


い-Adjective meaning ‘good’

N5 Lesson 1: 9/12

CD: L07

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Lesson – Conjugation Special

Warning: This video covers how to transform a verb’s structure using sticky-stems, but does not give much detail concerning how to use the new verb form. Anything marked N5 should be fine to study now, but N4 and higher content should be postponed until a video covers that specific verb form – though I have included said video where able.

*Sometimes Cure Dolly does not cover all nuances of an item in Bunpro; but the explanation from Bunpro will usually fill in the gaps.

-Verb (Dictionary)

う + ます (Godan Verbs)

N5 Lesson 2: 5/12


-Verb (Dictionary)

る + ます (Ichidan Verbs)

N5 Lesson 2: 4/12


Verb (Non-Past)


N5 Lesson 6: 10/13

CD: L04

Note: ます – Form


Want to do

N5 Lesson 7: 12/13

CD: L09


Look like, Appear, Seem, Have a feeling that

N4 Lesson 3: 5/18

CD: LCS (only covers verb part)

-Verb (Negative)

Will/Does/Do (not)

N5 Lesson 2: 8/12

CD: L07

-Verb (Negative)

Will/Does/Do (not)

N5 Lesson 2: 7/12

CD: L07

れる・られる (Passive)

Was done to ~ by ~, Done without consent, Done to one’s dismay

N4 Lesson 1: 15/18

CD: L13

せる・させる (Causative)

To make/let/have (somebody do something)

N4 Lesson 6: 4/16

CD: Special video (older video outside of main series)

-Would recommend adding after CD: L13-

れる・られる (Potential)

To be able, Can (Potential)

N4 Lesson 8: 7/18

CD: L10 - 13

う・よう (Volitional)

Let’s, I shall (Casual volitional)

N4 Lesson 3: 9/18

CD: LCS *partial coverage


Let’s, Shall we (Polite volitional)

N5 Lesson 9: 1/13

CD: LCS *partial coverage

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Lesson 08


To go ~, To go in order to ~

N5 Lesson 5: 12/12

CD: L08


To become (Adjective)

N5 Lesson 8: 9/13

CD: L08


To go to, To head toward

N5 Lesson 4: 4/13

CD: L08

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Lesson 8b


N5 Lesson 2: 9/12

CD: L8b

At, In

N5 Lesson 3: 1/13

CD: L8b

With, By (using)

N5 Lesson 5: 1/12

CD: L8b

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Lesson 09


Like, Fond of

N5 Lesson 4: 9/13

CD: L09


To want something, To be in need of

N4 Lesson 4: 13/18

CD: L09


Want to do

N5 Lesson 7: 12/13

CD: L09


To feel, To think, To act as if, To want, To desire

N4 Lesson 3: 16/18

CD: L09

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Lesson 10

れる・られる (Potential)

To be able, Can (Potential)

N4 Lesson 8: 7/18

CD: L10

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Lesson 11

~て (Sequence)

And, And then, After that (sequence)

N5 Lesson 7: 7/13

CD: L11


To give (me), To be given

N5 Lesson 10: 9/12

CD: L11


To give (away), To present, To provide

N5 Lesson 10: 8/12

CD: L11


To do something for someone (usually you)

N4 Lesson 7: 2/18

CD: L11


To do something for someone, As a favor for

N4 Lesson 7: 1/18

CD: L11

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Lesson 12


N5 Lesson 6: 8/13

CD: L12



N5 Lesson 3: 10/13

CD: L12


Too much, Very

N5 Lesson 8: 7/13

CD: L12


Was, Were (Past tense)

N5 Lesson 6: 4/13

CD: L12


To suddenly begin, To start doing

N4 Lesson 4: 18/18

CD: L12


Please do (Polite request)

N5 Lesson 9: 5/13

CD: L12


To continue

N4 Lesson 9: 10/16

CD: L12

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Lesson 13

れる・られる (Passive)

Was done to ~ by ~, Done without consent, Done to one’s dismay

N4 Lesson 1: 15/18

CD: L13

れる・られる (Potential)

To be able, Can (Potential)

N4 Lesson 8: 7/18

CD: L13


Someone, Somewhere, Not anyone, Not anywhere

N5 Lesson 8: 13/13

CD: L13


You’ve put an incredible amount of work into this! Thank you!


Hopefully others will be able to make good use of this :grin: