Daily GoKana Challenge

I’ve been learning Japanese on and off for years, but with my plan to go to Japan for the 5th time and staying for 6 weeks all by myself this time from April to May to improve my Japanese, I am now fully committed to finally make a lot of progress! But despite having been in Japan (from Germany) 4 times already, and one time for 3 months traveling the whole country, I still couldn’t even get some of the basics right. And I’m talking about Kana here in particular!

I can read pretty much every word in Hiragana pretty quickly, but I struggle with commonly used Kana, and that’s mostly Katakana! So I set myself the goal to fully recognize them fast and accurately and found that Bunpro actually has the best way to improve my skills there:
The GoKana Arcade Game!

So, I am hereby committing to playing the game once every single day, focusing on both Hiragana and Katakana (since I already know Hiragana pretty well), and posting my results here in order to document my progress. I am not going to study in between, so my progress may be slower, but I have other Japanese-related studies to do and the rest of my daily time will be invested on those.

If you are also struggling with Kana and want to master them, feel free to join me on this journey! Let’s learn together and share our progress to keep each other motivated. :muscle:

To make results a bit more comparable, I will define 3 “levels”:

  1. Hiragana: Only Hiragana, only Monographs. (“46 cards reviewed”)
  2. Monokana: Hiragana and Katakana, but only Monographs. (“92 cards reviewed”)
  3. Diakana: Hiragana and Katakana, with Diacritics and Diagraphs. (“214 cards reviewed”)

You “level up” when you had 100% correct on first guess 3 days in a row without looking them up. When posting your results as screenshots, you can mention which “level” you’re on, but it will also be clear from the “cards reviewed” counter. Feel free to compare your stats with others from the same level! But don’t forget that what matters most is your own progress from day to day.

Participation Rules or Notes:

  1. It is completely allowed to “look up” a Hiragana or Katakana if you’ve tried several ones and just don’t know the answer. I typically do this after 5-10 tries. It’s not “cheating” if you don’t do it right away. It saves you from getting frustrated. Tip: You can just click a card in GoKana to see its reading!
  2. Post a screenshot of the result screen here every day! And don’t fear being judged, this is not about your current skill, this is only about motivation and personal improvement. So make sure to not judge anyone else!
  3. Feel free to share which Kana you struggle with most. Talking about it here may make it easier to remember it due to how our brains work!

Let me make the start with my results from yesterday, this is my initial result:

Today, I did my second try and was 3 minutes faster, but also 7% less accurate:

Like I said, I’ve been struggling with a lot of Katakana, especially チ (chi) which I just couldn’t remember and had to look up both times. But I learned ソ (so), which looks so similar to ン (n). Super frustrating! But together, they are “son”, that’s now my mnemonic to remember their relation!


Here’s my Day 3 update, I struggled most with ヌ(nu). But faster and more accurate! :muscle:


If it helps, I always remembered ヌ(nu) because I thought it looked like a shark nose, but the line was emphasizing the very tip of the nose. So I thought of it as a “snoot,” which has the “nu” sound.


Day 4 of Monokana: 36 seconds faster, 1 % more accurate – making progress!

This time, ヌ(nu) was okay (I got it on second try), but I just couldn’t remember フ (fu) and had to look it up! :sweat_smile: Let’s see what it’ll be tomorrow…


I tried the same challenge to see how I stack up, and had absolutely no idea what ヲ was lol. I swear I’ve never seen this kana before. :joy: (And I didn’t know you could ask GoKana to tell you the answer by clicking the card. I know now because I had no clue what the answer was.)



Cool challenge! Keep it up!


Thanks @BreadmanNin, and welcome to the challenge! I see you’ve started on the Monokana level as well, let’s keep it up so we can both level up to the Diakana level soon. It shouldn’t take me too long if I make like 1% progress every day on average.

And oh my god, you can click on the cards? :exploding_head: I didn’t realize that at all! Thanks for sharing, I’ve updated the tip in my original post accordingly. Saves the need to open a lookup table!


Day 5 of Monokana: 12 seconds faster, same accuracy – stagnation, but at least no regress!

I failed at フ (fu), again! :man_facepalming: There’s a certain swear word I will try to remember when I come across this again. Fu**, not this again!

And I also failed at ヨ (yo) for some reason. Looks like some kind of weapon with its pointy ends on the left side. I’m sure Yor (from Spy x Family) would know how to use this weapon!


Rappers like ヨminem say “yo yo yo!” a lot :wink:


Day 6 of Monokana: 3 seconds slower, but 1% more accurate – slight progress!

I failed at フ (fu), AGAIN! :see_no_evil: I just was like “what was this again?” – I didn’t notice that it’s where I wanted to use the swear word as a mnemonic! Gotta find some mnemonic using the shape … let’s, see … it looks a bit like a food hook. Let’s see if that helps!


Isn’t it a good idea though? Remember the phrase "MOTHER フー!! " and i doubt you will forget it again :joy:


Day 7 of Monokana: Wow, what a jump! 26 seconds faster AND 3% more accurate!

I failed at フ (fu) on first try, yet again (I typed wo). But then I recognized that this is my biggest enemy and beat it by throwing the swear word at it – and it was defeated! :muscle: For today, at least.


Been studying for several years and currently live in Japan. No reason for me to do this, but I was curious :joy:


@polevata That’s an awesome result!
Exactly what I’m aiming for. Let’s see how long it’ll take to get there. :muscle:

But now I’m curious:
How well would you do on the Diakana level with Diacritics and Diagraphs included? :thinking: Would you mind trying that and sharing your results?

I guess whatever the outcome, it’s probably gonna be “good enough” to live in Japan.

Uhhh yeah so I tried doing the full length one, but for some reason ニュ isn’t being recognized. I’m curious if others have seen this problem


Was able to reproduce in katakana only digraphs only mode. Seems it responds to “nyu” but not “にゅ” or “ニュ”

Alright there’s my full time. Lost about a second switching to English keyboard and then back to Japanese for this bug :joy:

I struggle with め the most. ぬ just looks too cool, and my brain always wants it to be that. Haha

Wait, why are you using a Japanese keyboard? Isn’t the whole point to test if you can remember which romaji corresponds to each kana? Using a Japanese keyboard defeats that purpose, doesn’t it?


0.0 I never really thought about it. I guess it makes sense for Kana but not really for Hiragana :joy: Like I said I’ve got no business doing this test :rofl: Ps. Once you know the sounds there’s really no reason to use romaji again. At no point in learning Japanese will they actually help you, and lots of people get dragged down trying to stick to them for way too long. Once you’re at a consistent 100% I’d say it’s worth weening off them entirely, but yeah it definitely doesn’t make sense to do this test with the Japanese keyboard :cold_face: caught

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Don’t forget that romaji input is standard for Japanese computers and typing on a computer so it is useful for that. I personally also use romaji input on my phone although that is a fair bit rarer amongst natives. I agree with your sentiment but the keyboard thing immediately popped into my head due to the context of the comments!

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This game turns into more of a speed typing test than anything else if you are comfortable with kana. Definitely typing speed is the bottleneck at the top of the leader board so perhaps you’ll become a speed demon typer in your pursuit of kana knowledge 笑

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