Daily GoKana Challenge

Day 16 of Monokana: I did it again! Also in exactly the same time as yesterday! :sweat_smile:

That’s the second of 3 days, if I manage to get 100% correct again tomorrow, I’ll level up. :arrow_up:

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Day 17 of Monokana – and LEVELED UP to Diakana! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

So from tomorrow on, I’ll be playing with Diacritics and Diagraphs – all Kana variations included.


Congrats leveling up :tada: keep going :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1 of Diakana: 2.3 times the cards, 4x times the time taken – at 93% accuracy on first try!

Lots of combinations were new to me. Like ヂョ(dyo) – I had typed “jo” – or ぢ (di) – I had typed “ji”. It’s easy to forget there is no “ti” in the “ta, ti, tu, te, to” series – and therefore it’s “chi” turning into “di” (not “ji”). And that there is no “cha, chi, chu, che, cho” series, but it’s always “chi” combined with diagraphs. But I’ll get used to it in the next few days, I’m sure!

Level 2 took me 17 days to finish. And I had started at 87%. Let’s see how long Level 3 will take me!

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Day 2 of Diakana: Nearly 2 minutes faster, 3% more accurate – making huge progress already!

Still some combinations seem a bit weird to me. But I got ヂ (di) right, so slowly getting used to.

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Day 3 of Diakana: 1% more accurate at 7 seconds faster. Still making progress!

Still confuses me to see “chi” being turned into “di” and then combined to “dya” etc. … :sweat_smile:


Amazing progress :fire: @Jihatto


Day 4 of Diakana: Progressing fast, already at 99% accuracy, and another 22 seconds faster!

I got all the “di”, “dya”, “dyo”, etc. right – just random failures. I’ll probably stay at 99% for a while.

Day 5 of Diakana: Had to do it under pressure while talking (since we had to leave).

Will be back tomorrow to the regular schedule.

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Day 6 of Diakana: Back at 99%! With only 2 mistakes, I’m so close to 100%. :100:

But I got ヂ (di) wrong again, wrote “ji” instead (which seems to make so much more sense to me).