今日は! デクランです。
And now I need to use te-iru form to put the word “studying” in, which I am not sure how to do. But I’m hopefully going to be able to get there. Either way, I am a student currently studying Japanese after having not done very well at it for a few years. I plan to update this post once a month with my progress. I’m doing this because my goal is to take the N4 this December, and so I want to be able to get there within the next few months. I’m hoping that publicizing my study will motivate myself to work on this more consistently. Here is my current progress:
I originally started studying Japanese in hopes of playing video games before they came out in the united states, and I still think that is a goal, though I don’t play video games nearly as much anymore and I so I am doing this because it’s something I always tried to do and never finished. I also just enjoy studying the language now. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it has become a goal in of itself
Well then, I’ll post another update around 9/18 or so. またね!
I migrated my already reviewed genki vocabulary and grammar