Disabling example sentences in conjugation Reviews

I’d really love to know if there is a way to disable these example sentences that sometimes appear with conjugation questions in the reviews:


This makes the top two cases trivial as once you see the other you immediately know how to construct it (just add/remove the です), and I don’t think it helps me actually be able to do it without that help. Changing the hint level doesn’t help and I couldn’t find any forum topics about this. Is there some way to disable them?


Hey there, welcome to the forums! Currently there isn’t any way to disable this. However, this is actually something we’re currently working on changing so this shouldn’t be an issue for too much longer.


Oh, alright then, thanks!


I agree, it’s very annoying and it makes this type of review useless. I just immediately cover these example sentences with my finger before I see them, lol.

That’s kinda the approach I’ve taken as well, but even just seeing the length of the answer or whether there’s a small つ in there already gives it away for me sometimes, so I’m definitely looking forward to this being changed. In the mean time I found this to do it with instead, though it’s a bit different and not quite synchronized with your bunpro progress at all times: Don's Japanese Conjugation Drill