スター・ウォーズ discussion (Advanced) April 2024

I see. Thanks so much for the explanation!


unfortunately in my case that translates to around 3 pages a day lol. between checking the deck to learn the vocab, double checking that the meaning covered by the deck is the correct one, and rereading for comprehension. I’m basically moving at a snail’s pace.

I do this with English and my first additional language, but with this particular novel every second word is new so I can’t really make inferences about the meanings. I’ll try it out though and see if I’m just doubting myself too much.


A few notes so far on word uses.

せしめる - Interesting ichidan verb meaning to cheat, swindle, or to get something through conniving means.

いにしえ - The kanji 古 with the reading of いにしえ with the meaning of ‘antiquity’. Usually いにしえ is only seen with 古, but it actually comes from this kanji 往(い), which used to be used as a verb with the reading of いぬ, meaning ‘to go’, or ‘to go home’. The full reading comes from 往(い)にし方(へ). I like to think of it as the opposite of the modern 去る. 去る focuses on something completely leaving (A), while 往ぬ has the nuance of leaving (A) completely behind. いにしえ could be taken literally as ‘that which is left long behind’.

からなる - Can be thought of as similar to the からする grammar point but with the focus on what (A) has come about from rather than what (A) is going from. 二つの恒星からなる連星系に属する惑星である ‘A planet affiliated with the binary system that has come from two stars’.

軽蔑 - A word meaning ‘to scorn’ or ‘to disdain’. Only mentioned this one cause I thought it may potentially be someone’s first time seeing the kanji 蔑. If it is, it’s also worth remembering さげすむ ‘to disdain’ and ないがしろ ‘a slight’ or ‘a disrespect’. Both are words that come from this kanji and are relatively common.

Might do a little list like this here and there for any interesting stuff I pass in the book, if anyone finds it remotely interesting :man_shrugging: :joy:


Yes, please :pray:.


It seems like some of the words in the deck have very wordy definitions that include extra info in the parentheses. When doing the reviews it doesn’t allow you to type the definition without the information in the parentheses.

oddly enough, it accepted this one :joy:


Will fix this one :+1:


it seems to happen with all of the items with parentheses. 元老院 (roman) senate was another one that would not accept ‘senate’

additionally, many of the items I brought up before are still showing the incorrect vocab in the deck. Not sure if you’ve affected the changes yet, but just bringing it up again in case you have and they just aren’t reflecting on my end. examples are のみ (only) showing up as 飲む and ~の下で showing up as 元.


Yeah we usually remove all of the parentheses from new words that go in the system. It’s just that these ones are new that we haven’t had a chance to do it yet. I will see if I can do all of them today in bulk so you don’t need to report each one :bowing_man:


I reported several words with missing Titles (as shown below), extra commas, and missing furigana. Then I stopped because I think I saw you say that you were aware of it, and also because there were just too many, but I see that these issues are still unresolved. They’re in all of the Book vocab decks too.

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I believe that the ones without titles are ones that have not had their furigana title put into the site yet. @Jake should know what needs to be done here to fix it. As for the extra commas, they are there to indicate where a new group of meanings should begin. We will be altering this quite soon so that rather than a double comma, the alternative meanings will appear on a new line, similar to a dictionary.

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You’re the man! Always getting it done ASAP. Thank you :pray: l

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Alright! Today I was able to finish 8 pages worth of reading, so now I’m on page 10. That said, reading 3 pages a day would be a more comfortable pace for me, given that I’m not able to read everyday. Today I read that much because I was trying to catch up, but there’s just too many words I don’t know, which makes it a slow process for me. I’m still enjoying the story though.

So far, I’m noticing that this book is a bit more gruesome than the movie. I mean, I guess since there is an opportunity to describe everything in more detail, but still. Or perhaps it’s the movies that were made PG-13 to cater to a broader audience? In any case, it’s interesting to notice these differences. No grammar questions though. More vocabulary is what I need!


I have a question, I’ve seen 星 used as both Star and Planet in this novel and elsewhere, is it the case that this Kanji is used interchangeably, but when you want to be specific about which one is being talked about then you’d use either 恒星 for Star and 惑星 for Planet? Am I interpreting this correctly?

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Correct. 星 by itself is just like ‘heavenly body’. Really anything in space (except for asteroids and stuff)


I’m 3 pages away from finishing Chapter 1. Loving how R2D2 doesn’t give a crap about what C-3PO thinks. Hilarious! :joy:

So far I’m finding the book to be very true to the movie, except a little more gruesome as I mentioned before. I’m liking it, but I can’t say I’m not struggling here lol.

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You’re right that it’s a lot more gruesome than the movies. Wasn’t expecting the author to go out of their way to detail the stormtrooper’s melting head when he took his eyes off Leia for a moment :sweat_smile:.

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Given that Chapter 2 is about twice as long as chapter 1, would it be fine if we set the pace to half this week and another half next week? I think there are 28 pages total.

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No worries! We can continue to roughly adjust the pace depending on how everyone feels about it. I am at the end of chapter 3 atm, but am trying to keep fairly far ahead in all of the book clubs so I have time to catch new words or phrases that I think will be interesting topics, or that I’ll need to add to our vocab lists manually.

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Speaking of, where’s everyone? It seems like only you and I are reading Star Wars, lol.


I know right! Discourse is already giving me a warning to just send you a PM if it’s only us two talking :joy:. I think with the higher level group, a lot of people may just chime in once a week or so when they find interesting things, as people that are up to the level of reading this stuff are usually very self directed learners already, and will find the answers themselves to things that they may be stuck on.

Although it is still definitely a ‘learning’ book club, I would think that a lot of people would just be kinda reading through for enjoyment or just to be able to chat about the story. Still our first book though, so plenty of time to grow! :grin: