Oo this seems like fun. Will get my hands on a digital copy and see if it’s something I can possibly understand a little bit at my level.
Went to my japanese bookstore to pick up the first volume, I get the sneaking suspicion someone else in this thread might also frequent that store because it was the only volume missing from the series xD
Well, I’ll check in on Sunday and see if they’ve got it back in stock. I’d like to participate :3
Perfect timing. I just received the books. I look forward to April 1st!
Good to know. I’m at level 20 on WaniKani too and was curious about Doraemon as it was another book suggested for this book club. Had no idea it was 関西弁-tinged. Glad I didn’t buy it.
I’m just on day 2 of my 30-day trial of Bunpro and liking it so far (not multiple choice like other learning tools) and considering joining this book club. I checked out the link to the free preview for Yotsuba& someone else had posted here but could only see a black screen past the 2nd page. Will try again and maybe I’ll be on the same pace as everyone else.
UPDATE: I can see more pages now. Must have taken a while to load yesterday.
Click here for our - よつばと vocab deck!
Deck now available, please keep in mind that there may be a few missing words, as we are still currently adding them in. We will have all missing words in by Sunday at the latest, ready for our Monday start.
Please read here for info about our vocab decks and their future development.
It’s my first day at my new school today but there’s lots of meetings I don’t need to go to so I’m going to make a start! 頑張りましょう!
Good luck! Mine will start on Wednesday. 一緒に頑張りましょう!
Feel free to start discussing the book now everyone! Please just keep in mind the general rules for posting at the top of this thread.
We will aim for a pace of 25 ~ pages per week (pages with dialogue), and then make adjustments if need be. If you read all 25 pages the first day, please be conscious of posting anything that may be spoliers for others!
Yotsuba was probably the first real thing I read, I think, and having now re-read it I have to say it definitely holds up as a good little slice of life manga. There is also no way I understood a lot of the little jokes when I first read it as they required cultural or language knowledge which I definitely didn’t have. I’d definitely recommend beginners who are participating to ask questions and pop into this thread so some of those jokes and moments can be better understood. Or rather, have a go at understanding what’s going on and then come here and check if you were right. I wish I’d done something like that when I first read it!
I like the name of the protagonist, よつば, and her four little pony tails, which make her head look like a four-leaf clover (四つ葉のクローバー).
In page 7, bottom frame, when とーちゃん says ‘そういや’ he really means ‘そう言えば’, right?
In page 9, top frame left, when とーちゃん says ‘どこってそりゃおまえ’, そりゃ means ‘それは’?
Considering he is following on from the previous sentence about 学校, that’s correct.
Also correct. This それは is like ‘well the answer to “that” is…’
So it would be like ‘If you ask where, the answer is in front of you’ ?
After reading the first few pages, i want to talk. Personally, I don’t understand why this comic book is so loved. Really, I don’t understand. Is really boring. Lately, I’ve been wondering what these Japanese comic books were about. First thing I read, and is this. Openly boring. One of the most boring things I’ve ever read. Love it or hate it, but boring. So, now read the first letter of each sentence in this post.
More like -
‘Where?.. you know (the answer to) that already!’ In less words.
Hi, I read the 5 pages, and here is my dumb questions :
Page 4
There are some sentences (not only on page 4), but for exemple :
- もうすぐだぞー => What means the 「ぞー」here ?
- ここ家がいっぱいあるな => The ending 「な」is equivalent to 「ね」I guess ?
Page 6
- とうちゃん手がはなせないからな俺の分もよつばがふってくれ
- What is the utility of 「な」in the sentence here ?
- 「手がはなせない」=> I understood that he says that he has his hands busy; In the deck there is only this entry : 「離す」but on jisho it seems that it is a set phrase : 「手が離せない」
Page 8
- Greeting 「うす」 ? if someone has some info about meaning how/when it is used, I am interested. Didn’t found much info about this one. Is 「うす」 like 「おす」?
Page 4
There are some sentences (not only on page 4), but for exemple :
- もうすぐだぞー => What means the 「ぞー」here ? (This is an emphatic sentence ending particle primarily used by men. Think of it like よ but stronger/more excited.)
- ここ家がいっぱいあるな => The ending 「な」is equivalent to 「ね」I guess ? (Also a sentence ending particle that is more often used by men, but really can be used by anyone. ね focuses more on including the other person in the conversation, where な moreso expresses the speaker’s own thoughts about the situation)
Page 6
- とうちゃん手がはなせないからな俺の分もよつばがふってくれ
- What is the utility of 「な」in the sentence here ? (Same as above. It’s the speaker’s own thoughts, which makes it sound more like a straight fact than having the inclusiveness of ね)
- 「手がはなせない」=> I understood that he says that he has his hands busy; In the deck there is only this entry : 「離す」but on jisho it seems that it is a set phrase : 「手が離せない」(This one could be understood as a set phrase or literally. 手 has a lot of different nuances, often revolving around ‘options’)
Page 8
- Greeting 「うす」 ? if someone has some info about meaning how/when it is used, I am interested. Didn’t found much info about this one. Is 「うす」 like 「おす」?(Lots of different ways to say this one. It’s maybe better to think of it as just a sound rather than an actual word
. It’s a bit like ‘sup’ in English. ‘sup’, ‘supppp’, ‘awhassup’. Again, predominantly male.
Hi! I’ll throw in one more (dumb) question
Page 6
とうちゃん uses 俺 meaning “I”. I’ve heard that 俺 comes off as quite rough/arrogant. Why would he use that instead of 僕 / 私 when talking to a child?
Hey, I’m a bit lost with counting the pages. Could somone post the last panel or write the last sentence and which page this should be? I feel like my page count is a bit off