よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024

Deck progress is saved across all decks on Bunpro for both vocabulary and grammar, so if you study or review something in one place, it will not show up again until its next review is scheduled, regardless of which deck you use. :blush:

I’m talking more about the daily goals. I have mine set to 10 from よつばと and 3 from N3.
Today I got two in よつばと that were also in N3, but only my 10 from よつばと are marked as done.

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Ahhhh the actual daily goals on the site. I thought you meant your own goals. Sorry, brain malfunction :sweat_smile:. That should be doable! Will propose the idea to the guys that can make it happen! :ok_hand:

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I think there are words that do not register across vocabulary decks. For example, さっさと, which btw got glitched recently and now shows up as さっさ, is not being compensated for on other decks. IIRC, that word appears on both the よつばと and スーパーカブ decks. At least that was the case when I added them a few days ago. Maybe you guys have already fixed that, but thought I’d mention it just in case.


I’ve slightly lost track of what page I’m supposed to be on because the chase part was just funny and I read on. So I read at least 5 pages today. See you all tomorrow. <3


yeah… im also kinda confused what page we are supposed to be on :sweat:


Same, I noticed a couple of people above had already finished the first chapter, so I read a few extra pages today to catch up. I think aiming for a chapter per week sounds reasonable.

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Don’t mind me, I’m just over here, doing my own thing. I’ll catch up eventually.


I caught either the cold of all colds or I have a fever so I’ll have lots of catching up to do!

Yesterday was the 入学式 and I was spacing out and seeing double while being introduced to the students…


Slightly off topic but if you have a measurable fever you’re entitled to sick leave and should also take it as you don’t want to infect other staff or students.


I haven’t checked in here because I’ve been very busy, and I’m in a weird place as I’m not confident enough to explain grammar points but I don’t really have any specific content questions either. Also because of the busy-ness I just read when I have time and have finished chapter 3 at this point, which I think is way ahead I reckon. The question and answer stuff has been good though, wish I could contribute more.

I will I guess mention some encouragement for the folks who 5 dialogue pages a day is a bit of a struggle, it definitely gets easier. It took me a few months but I’ve gotten myself to where I can read a chapter of most easy-low intermediate manga in one sitting (Specifically One Piece and Yu-Gi-Oh! if you’re curious what I mean). It takes a lot of work and diligence but eventually your brain adjusts to the struggle enough to get you where you need to be. It’s weirdly like, endurance training in that way.

Edit: Also wanted to mention I wasn’t too thrilled with the Yotsuba choice and didn’t know if I’d actually enjoy it, but no spoilers, chapter 3 is quite funny.


If you think you can help someone else, definitely feel free to chime in! If you make a mistake, someone else will be bound correct you or help out. Making mistakes and having them corrected is a fantastic way to learn, as it gives you a real experience to attach to the grammar/vocab.

Totally agree here. Reading is extremely mentally tiring when you first start. :sweat_smile:



In page 45, the construction ‘大した事はなにも’ is a set phrase used to reply to someone thanking you, in the same line as ‘全然’ or ‘いえいえ’?

And now, in page 46, it gets clarified

And so, トーちゃん’s family name is 小岩井, right?

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Starting Chapter 2あいさつ’ now!

As this chapter has 35 pages in total (pages 53-88, not counting the cover), and some of them have little or no text, we could aim to read the whole chapter this week!?


Bit busy today, just took a rudimentary glance at the first couple pages of ch. 2, will probably just reread them tomorrow as more people get here. Looking forward to some あいさつ shenanigans hehe.

New phrase I learned

お上がりなさい - In this context, go ahead and eat but apparently can also mean come on inside!


I finished off Chapter 1 today, so I’ll be starting chapter 2 tomorrow. If most people are ahead of me, then I’ll read some extra to catch up.


For those who don’t know the reason for this, it is because there is generally a small step up into Japanese homes (at the 玄関).


In page 59, upper section, when トーちゃん and よつば are speaking about the あやせ sisters, why is ほう the furigana for the kanji , shouldn’t it be かた? It might have to do with よつば’s age?

The little kana-only texts out of speech bubbles are nice; the one in page 58, lower section, left frame includes the っけ particle used when you’ve forgotten something you should remember.

I also finished chapter 1 today