よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024

I just started reading tonight, and while I’ve had plenty to look up, I haven’t struggled as much as I thought I would. I could benefit from some more grammar study though. Anyway, I though p15 was a good stopping point for today.


We were just talking about the point you raised, above. We were also a bit confused by that part.

I think that’s one of those parts which can hardly be translated literally. Rather as you said, it is something like “If you kick with your legs /if you make a movement , it (the swing) will move.

I first thought that here つくる could refer to 作る, to “make” a movement, but then that would be 作ったら. So I think you are right.


I also think everyone does great, so thank you as well :blush: Regarding the reading itself, we said 25 pages ish the first week right? So did we stop at around page 29-30 (given that the first few pages were nothing but drawings)?


I don’t remember that it was said we would read 25 pages / week. For now if I am right, we have an objective of 5 pages a day, so 35 pages a week (if we read every day, and I assume this is the plan)
And starting from the first page with dialogues.
I suppose than any page without dialogue won’t count also.
On the real book, it starts page 6, so until now here are the page numbers :
April 1st: 6-10
2nd: 11-15
3rd: 16-20
4th: 21-25
5th: 26-31 (p27 has no dialogs)
And so on.
On the online sample, reading starts p4, it is offset by 2 pages from the real book.

Am I right ?

Just to be sure we have the same pace :slight_smile:
I believe that after a week of reading it will be a good time to check if the pace is fine with everyone.



In page 29, よつば says repeatedly こえー, which is a colloquial version of 怖い.

Would there be a possibility to indicate this in the vocab deck entry for 怖い or even for the word to appear as 怖い/こえー ?


In page 30, when あやせ sees えな and says ‘いいとこにきた’ she is saying ‘I came to the right place’ (いい所に来た), as a way of saying ‘what a lucky coincidence’ right?

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Yeah, nvm, you are right, my bad. 25 was more a suggestion from @asher

The 5 pages a day pace is just the pace that users can discuss new content whenever they happen to jump in to the conversation. If some people only wanna chat once a week about 25 or so pages, that is completely fine.

But it could be nice, if someone could do a daily or weekly reminder of which pages we are currently at. Although I think daily reminder would be an overkill tbf.

Also, I agree with you that, asking everyone if the pace is good at the end of this week, would also be nice.


I think it would be nice to have some overview, at least weekly, of which page we’re approximately supposed to be at (especially if people miss some days, lose count, don’t know whether to count dialog free pages, etc.). So similar to what Augustus said above

edit: I read until page 30 today


Yeah or ‘great timing’ that kinda nuance I’d think


I’m done for today’s reading, up to page 31.
I also think that the weekly overview is a good idea !
I agree with “great timing” for いいとこにきた.
The only doubt I had whas “風香” in "あ 風香お姉ちゃん” on page 30, I guess it’s the familly name of あやせ ?


Got a bit excited today and skimmed to the end of the volume - w/o looking up any words or questionable parts - we’ve got some fun stuff coming up hehe.

Reflections on todays passage

It’s already been talked about here, but learning that とこ is a colloquial way to say ところ seems very useful

セミよつば was hilarious

Seeing the passive form of 頼む get used here (at least, I believe that’s what’s happening) felt like a nice expansion of what information I got about it from the genki textbooks.


The opposite: she introduces herself to トーちゃん with her family name あやせ as they only just met, but えな being her younger sister calls her by her given name ふうか.

ふうか being the older sibling refers to えな without honorifics on P30, while the younger sister えな uses お姉ちゃん as an honorific. The use of her name before おねえちゃん suggests that she might have more than one sister.


I think it is the name of あやせ’s little sister, ふうか, who probably is a schoolmate of えな. It’s crazy how they drop the particles, の in this case (風香のお姉ちゃん), if my interpretation is correct.

Explanation of names

Ena is the youngest sister, Fuuka is the middle sister, Asagi is the oldest sister, Ayase is the family name.


Ah! Thank you, that’s why えな says that she is on the way home and why there is no particle needed. :man_facepalming:t2:
Way to go!


It is worth ten times more that you actually tried to figure it out on your own than just looking it up though. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you don’t make any. Equally, when you get it right the reward is so much richer.


I took it up to page 30 today, even though page 27 has no dialogue, since it’s easier for me to remember to stick to page numbers that are multiples of 5.

Not much to comment on, fairly easy bit today. I liked the ‘sticking the landing’ gag.

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Thank you so much for your kindness.

After considering, I know where my mistake came from: when ふうか first introduces herself (page 16, middle section, right frame), she (obviously!) says her family name, あやせ.

I forgot this cultural code and read it with my own one, where you always say your first name (and family name, depending on the situation) when you introduce yourself.

Once this first erroneous assumption made, all that follows won’t do. Moreover, considering I didn’t properly understand the interaction between the sisters in page 30.

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I would have a small question. On page 22, am I the only one who got confused by the size of つ in わっきた bubble? It looks like わつきた, especially if you compare it to the size of the following っ in あれって bubble, but that can’t be correct? Can it? And I think I also sometimes had trouble with distinguishing つ from っ in other manga too. The size seems to not be consistent.


I think that’s two separate words:
わっ - the small つ signifying an abrupt stop
きた - past form of 来る

Although I agree, with the font that Ena’s thoughts are in, it’s hard to tell the difference between a big and small つ.