Do you prioritize reviews or new content? And how much of it do you do daily

If you have little bit of time would you chose to do some of your reviews (If you can do all of them) or read about new grammar point/learn new vocab? How often do you finish all of the queued up reviews, how many of them do you have in line, how many of them you do daily and how often you learn new content, and how much? I know that seems bit weird but I am a nerd and I weirdly like comparing statistics and reading data.


I’ll start, I do about 25 reviews daily, usually I have 40 of them stuck in queue but I try to clear them at least ones a week. I rarely learn new content from “learn” button, but I often add new vocab to my reviews. Usually I add a loot in series when I have more free time, like 10 or 15 new items two days in the row and then don’t add anything for a week or two.

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A busy summer has left me with 300 reviews to do haha. So I make sure to do 20 reviews a day and will get around to learning new things when the workload is more reasonable.

I prioritize reviews over new things in general.


In general, basic of SRS is:

  • If you have pending review, do as much as you can
  • ONLY when you have no more review, add more content (learn new).
  • only add a reasonnable amount of new content that match your pace on the long run (best is to add a few every day, than a big batch on a single time)

If you struggle to clear your review queue, I think it’s a bad idea to add even more item to it…
SRS works based on intervals, if you cannot clear your review queue, you are messing up the intervals, and your retention rate will drop dramatically (and your motivation too…)
I usually do all my reviews every day, but on weekends It is usually harder (routine is quite different on weekends!), so I catch up on monday.
Today I have 150ish review on Bunpro (mixed grammar and vocab), and around 200 on Anki. Not sure if I will have time to do all of it. I usually do around 70-80 review on Bunpro, and same amount on Anki. But the number of review per day is highly dependant on the content (vocab review are usually faster to do than grammar review)

Good luck with your reviews !


Seconding what @Inounx said. For SRS to work you should only add new content when you have finished your reviews.

For me, I usually try to do reviews 2-3 times per day with average batch size of 10-20 reviews. When the amount of reviews I’m getting in a day is lower than usual that’s when I add in new grammar/vocab which usually equates to 2 new grammar points and 5 new vocab per day. This is a lot lower than what I’ve noticed a lot of other users doing but in order to keep reviews manageable, this is what I do.

Lately, though, I’ve been on a few trips and got sick for a couple of weeks, so the reviews have piled up on me more than usual lately. So while I try to get through the reviews, I’ve also been making sure to supplement with other tasks like reading articles on WEB NEWS EASY and watching the Pokemon anime where I already know most of the vocab/grammar (as apposed to reading/watching things where I have to look up more things in order to have a good understanding because again I don’t want to add anymore things to review right now)

Of course, what works best for people will vary, but the more you rush through something, the worse your overall understanding of that thing will be. Find what works for you, but make sure that you are checking to make sure that the methods actually work.

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Always reviews first. I’m splitting the reviews into 3 sets over the day, doing around 100 a day. I only learn new when my review pile is empty, usually once a day. I learn 5 grammar and 5-15 vocab a day. Most of the vocab I already know it, so I’m going a bit faster there.