Does Bunpro teach verb "congugation"

Hi all, I used Bunpro for a few levels over a year ago and I’m just coming back to it (reset everything). I’m wondering if it will cover the various verb endings, as that’s something I’m having a really hard time with. If not, is there a tool similar to Bunpro (grammar) and WaniKani (volcabulary) for learning how to form verbs?

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Do you mean auxiliary words or do you mean the actual conjugation/inflection of the verbs themselves? If that doesn’t make sense then I can clarify.

Bunpro tests your ability to recall/use auxiliary words with verbs, yes. You have to, naturally, use the correct conjugation/inflection with those auxiliary words. There is no dedicated “conjugation” trainer though. It is often requested by new users though. You can use the cram function to sort of replicate that kind of thing, I guess, however there are dedicated apps and websites out there. I’ve never used them but I’m sure someone can suggest one. Generally speaking, Japanese conjugation is extremely regular and is actually one of the easiest things to pick up (in my opinion) so I wouldn’t stress too much about it if you make mistakes here and there at the start.

Welcome back!

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Indirectly yes, but I think you will find use of this:

Conjugation Dills


Thanks. I guess I need to just bite the bullet and do my own self-study on how verbs work. I tend to like guided material that walks you through it, but there’s just so much to choose from that I get analysis paralysis and wind up avoiding all of it.

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This looks like it could be useful once I learn how to actually add endings to verbs. Thanks.

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In that case start here’s the best resources to get started learning:

@Asher This comes up a lot haha, maybe we can have a dedicated thread for this. Or even a more obvious button on the grammars that start pointing towards useful resources that the community has collated.

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it would be nice if bunpro had conjugation drills/became more of a one stop shop for grammar learning tools, at the moment i use an app called Japanese Conjugation City on android.



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We would love to have a conjugation practice tool in the near future, and it is something we have been planning for quite some time. In addition to this, I was having a discussion with another staff member a few days ago about how we could handle all of the initial steps of learning better, such as conjugation, maybe even right down to hiragana and katakana.

While we do cover the verb forms one at a time, it is definitely very helpful to see all the verb forms in relation to the kana chart and the rules that they follow based on it.


There are some other grammar points that are conjugation-like that could benefit from an overhaul I think, because they don’t work super well in the SRS system as it is.

As an example, I keep failing 真(っ) - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro because there are many irregular forms with the 真っ prefix and I often fail them, but then since they’re all included in the same point I could have 10 reviews after that before I encounter the same form.

For instance I just failed 真ん丸, but next time I review it I’ll almost certainly be asked for a different form, potentially one I already know well. Ideally I think every single one of these irregular forms should be handled separately for SRS, but that would create many entries with few sentences every time. Hence why I feel like it’s similar to conjugations.


I’ve found that using the cram feature for certain lessons (like the て-form) has been very useful for me. Repetition can work wonders.

…of course, sometimes after I think I’ve memorized something, a grammar point will come up in a review much later and I’m just like ‘???’ and end up failing it.

真 is pretty regular in how it works but, besides that, most constructions that use it are considered words in their own right and 真 is just a prefix. I think there are other Bunpro lessons that teach prefixes/suffixes. I guess it is annoying as the reviews are basically vocab reviews rather than “grammar” reviews.

I wonder if cram is enough for things like this though? Or, equally, doing some vocab SRS for words that use 真 or even just not adding the Bunpro “grammar point” (psychologically hard to not be completionist though). Problem with points like 真 is that they’re really just about understanding vocabulary so I’m not sure what solution Bunpro could implement on the grammar SRS side to make it better.

Here’s some conjugation tools:
Japanese Conjugation Practice ,
Katsu: practise Japanese conjugation - 活用 (this one also lets you set the vocab level by JLPT),
Japanese Projects

But yes, second that conjugation practice on Bunpro would be nice. The practice sites are great, but it always takes motivation to remember to use them (for lazy ol’ me). But if things come up in an SRS I’m already using anyway I’ll actually do the practice.

So you mentioned right down to hiragana and katakana.

This made me think. You have to do it in such a way that people that are new to Japanese can easily find it. But you can’t clutter up your app or site for those that can.

If you were to add it. It should be something that is standard accessible, but you should be able to remove it in options.

This seems like a lot of work on your side. And there are free useful apps out there.
Ringotan for example could take care of it.

I believe you have some links available that points to free stuff. You could possibly just mention apps or sites there. With a small description. And the ability to like the link.

I don’t expect bunpro to be the one app to do it all.

I do agree that verb forms in relation to a kana chart would be extremely helpful.

About conjugations I do have trouble to translate progressive or all the other descriptions given to verbs.
In my own language I don’t think of verbs that way.

I eat, I have eaten, I ate, I will eat, I must eat, I’m eating, I was eating, I am going to eat. I was eaten :laughing: I was going to eat…
I am saying that I don’t think about using the past perfect negative tense when I use conjugations. I am thinking about what I want to express. So some example verbs with all the different meanings would be helpful. If you had that from a drop down menu where you could select a godan verb, an ichidan verb and irregular verbs that would be really awesome.
I have been procrastinating about making something like that for myself.

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Try This:

Go to “Practice” then “Conjugations” then “Conjugate This”…
and you’ll be able to drill your conjugations for MOST used verbs for FREE.

Have Fun!