Feature Request: Randomize review order

* This suggestion assumes there are 12 example sentences.

I’ve mentioned before, but I really do think you need to randomize the review order somewhat. I keep getting the same review wrong (and repeating this sentence is good), but this means I keep getting bumped down to review another sentence which I’ve basically memorized by now (which is bad).

Perhaps something like this would work better:

  • Review each sentence in order until you’ve gotten one wrong.
  • When you get one wrong and go down an SRS level, you now randomly select one of the sentences that you’ve already gotten right.
  • When you get back to the highest SRS level you were at, continue reviewing the sentences in order.

This approach would make sure you still have to go through all sentences, including ones you get stuck on. But at the same time, you won’t keep bouncing between the same two sentences.

Here are some variations you could add if you like the general idea:

  • Perhaps you don’t want to start randomizing an SRS level after just getting its dedicated sentence correct once. If so you could set it to only do that after getting it right two or three times.
  • Perhaps you don’t want to randomly assign the easiest example sentence to review for one of the higher SRS levels. You could, for example, only randomly assign a sentence from the last four SRS levels. That way there is still some variation, but it’s also a little stricter.

Thank you for the in-depth description. Making the sentences randomized is actually on our list to do!

We are still working out the exact implementation of randomizing review order as well as other improvements.