Feature to practice conjugation

Is there a feature to practice conjugation?

Have no trouble reading conjugations but I mess up many of my grammar points because I fail at forming the conjugation of the words, is there anything offered in bunpro to assist with this?


This would be a cool way to learn and integrate more verbs into my vernacular.


Not currently, as far as I know.
I remember not so long ago I was also really hoping for such a feature.

I still totally support the idea, but just so you know, after keeping going with Bunpro for over a year, I think I’ve almost nailed it now just as a matter of course rather than having to target/focus on it specially/specifically.
So if such a feature is made, that’s great, but if not, keep going with Bunpro and I think you’ll get it through repeated exposure over time anyway :+1:


I agree with what bunnypro said.
The same, I wanted at first something to practice conjugation, because it was so frustrating to fail on some grammar points just because of that. But now after some time passed I changed my mind. Think of it globally: your goal is not answering each SRS questions right, its to learn the langage. SRS is just a mean to do that. So if you know the grammar point, but fail the conjugation, you will still learn something from this example sentence. And I think you don’t need exhaustive conjugation knowledge right now. This will build up while practicing, without you realizing it.


In the meantime you could try something like this Don’s Japanese Conjugation Drill (wkdonc.github.io) (there’s plenty more of them too).


This site looks really good, I’ve tried it just now and this is pretty much what I wanted!

Would still love a bunpro answer though as I intend to subscribe soon (Hopefully for lifetime if it arrives fast enough)

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Indeed! The one I use is Japanese Projects | Steven Kraft (steven-kraft.com), although this one is pretty good.


It’s comforting to hear others are struggling with this. I feel like I’m at a wall where I’ll need to focus more specific attention in other apps on verb conjugations.

I’m in the units around past tense negative conjugation and I feel like I know the conjugation rules decently well, but remembering how to apply them for specific う vs る verbs and い vs な adjectives is brutal.

I guess I just have to keep at it, but I wish I could track the verbs I consistently get wrong to make improvement there (separate from the grammar rule)


I think conjugation practice on bunpro would be GREAT!

As a start, I think beginners would definitely benefit from mastering 〜て forms.

I think we would also benefit from having conjugation practice that helps you in mastering these other forms as well:
(例えば: 〜られる / 〜させられる / ~させる/~れば).

I think mastering these conjugations are important building blocks in connecting vocabularies together in order to formulate your message, じゃない?

Again, a feature to practice conjugation would be AWESOME. :slight_smile:


Do you mean conjugations of verbs? If so, the passive and causative-passive are in the N4 section. 頑張ってね!

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I highly recommend this video: (38) Japanese conjugation made easy! The super-simple key to all conjugations. - YouTube

Though, I would not spend too much time on it; i think studying kanji and vocab - or reading - is more worth while. Conjugation comes naturally as you get into the language - it’s everywhere. On the other hand, some kanji/vocab is only seen once in a blue moon. For example today I came across 躊躇う and 厭う.


Conjugation in general, to て form / negatives / other forms

I struggle with knowing when one is ichidan/godan and end up making a grammar ‘mistake’ when the actual thing I got wrong was the conjugation rather than the grammar point

Example that just happened, I had the following ???でください。[ふとる]

With the grammar point being make the ないでください form

I entered ふとないでください assuming it was an ichidan
But the answer was ふとらないでください, godan

I know some of this will come in time but failing the ‘grammar’ part because of the basic verb conjugation is a bad feeling.

I just redo the prompt in cases like this. You were not practicing differentiating godan and ichidan verbs, you were practicing ないでください, so you got it correct. Practicing the same grammar point over and over again because you cant remember whether or not 太る is ichidan or godan makes no sense and is simply not the point of the exercise. You will run into tricky words like this often enought that you will remember them even without targeted practice imo.

Side note: I cant think of a single ichidan verb that has an “お” sound right before the “る” right now and “おないで” sounds super weird to me. Probably just me being weird though.

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I sympathize! Here’s a suggestion for success:

〜ないでください isn’t a stand-alone grammar point, it’s a way to practice the negative form of verbs. So, when you’re doing the quizzes, open another tab with your favorite online dictionary (I like https://jisho.org/ ). Before inputting your answer on bunpro, look up the verb inflections of 太る or whichever verb it is, and that way you’ll be inputting the correct answer.

Why is this a good idea? If you keep writing 太ないで instead of 太らないで, you’re practicing a mistake. Better to input the the correct verb form because that’s how you’ll start memorizing it. 頑張って!

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Thanks both of you, both good pieces of advice. I’m very strict in my Anki and it carries over to here where I should really be entirely focused on the grammar (as its what I’m trying to learn) I’ll try the lookup method for a bit if I’m unsure


I think you’d benefit from this website that I and others here love posting:

Obviously not saying how you should study and go about things, etc. just relaying what worked personally for me when I was learning verbs. I think after watching the first video to get the fundamentals down you’ll be able to look at verbs completely different. It took me about 2 days or so for all the information to fully sit in, but ever since then it’s been relatively smooth-sailing.

Hope this helps a bit! :weight_lifting_man:t2:


I’ve been supplementing with an anki deck that only does conjugation.