Feedback - Bug Reports

Is this correct behaviour? It doesn’t feel right because the answer provided doesn’t seem to be what it was asking, and is nowhere to be seen on the grammar point.

Maybe it should be one of those “Say it another way?”

Also the progress info misbehaves if you miss click I know this and then reset it, and makes the dates weird:

Also the Accuracy always displays 0% seems, and the Finished date should be in blank if you haven’t completed the SRS:

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t it reference おいでになる in the yellow text?

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I inputted いらっしゃる not おいでになる, that’s the thing.
I don’t see いらっしゃる anywhere on the popup.


The first time I did reviews today with the new update the new grammar point popup worked fine, and now the second time around it doesn’t work; I can’t see it at all which is a problem.


I think some functionality has been reverted / modified and might be a browser cache issue, so try clearing that first.


I’m unable to select text in English translations during reviews. Sometimes I need to copy a word in the example sentence and look up the meaning, and right now highlighting seems to disappear/reset immediately. It’s not really detrimental since it is possible to type the word, but it’s a neat thing to have back.

This happens on my first review in a session. I don’t think it counts the review as done as my total reviews didnt go down after this. This has happened fairly often for me even before the newest update.


A friend is trying to sign up using the signup page but he can not input R or B (in caps) in any of the fields (Username/Password).

I tried to reproduce and the same happens to me.

Can this be looked into please?

EDIT: It also happens in the login page, so if you have a password with “B” or “R” you wouldn’t be able to type it in without copy-pasting.


The root cause of this is the jQuery logic with “keydown” event bound when B, R, keyCode 66 + shift or keyCode 82 + shift is being pressed. This restriction should be disabled when document focus is on input-field.


This also happens if you try to use them in reviews


Major loading issues inChrome on iOS.

Takimg forrrrrever!

iOS 15.1
Chrome 96,0,4664,36

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Slow for me too, iOS & Safari 15.1

@Megumin , @Ruudi , @kush - Thanks for the feedback on the Shift + B and Shift + R bug!

Ruudi, your solution was the perfect fix. I disabled the keybinds when any input field is in focus, so that should solve the problem. The fix should be live soon.


No problem! Glad that some of my former expertise was of help.


I think the discourse/community server might need more resources or some optimization be done to it.

Sometimes the loading times are insane, sometimes it even gets stuck in loading and you have to refresh.

On the screen after doing lessons if you try press the left or right arrows you will go to the undefined page. I also reported it using the report button on the page

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There is a problem with figurana toggling. My “Furigana” setting is turned off, but I still see it sometimes above numbers.
I investigated it a little bit, and it seems that some Japanese sentences are formatted in an inconsistent way. While it’s expected by Bunpro’s frontend that furigana marked only like 給料(きゅうりょう), sometimes there are just plain <ruby> tags.
For example:
It ends up showing 1いっ every time despite any setting.

Search for <ruby> tags across your database and replace it by parentheses お願いします :bowing_man:

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Press Ctrl+C while holding the left mouse button. It happens due to throwing focus back to the input field by any click/tap on the question. I think it can be the cause of the issue with furigana toggling on mobile phones too.

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Yeah, that also works. I have trouble using my left hand and pressing both the touchpad and ctrl+c is really awkward :slight_smile: I stick to retyping words for now.

Tiniest thing:
On the section for な-adjectives, there’s a missing < on a closing </span> tag.スクリーンショット 2021-11-25 午前9.16.19