(Final Batch!) N2 Grammar Explanations - 10/02/2023

I’m working through the n2 explanations, and one thing I’ve been noticing is that a lot of times there will be a caution that says that you shouldn’t use the grammar in a certain way, followed by an example sentence that breaks the rule.

This is normal, and was common in N3 as well, but usually the sentence would be followed by (unnatural) to clarify the example sentence is using the point improperly. This (unnatural) is missing which is leading to a bit of confusion, so it would be helpful to go through the N2 points and add it in where it’s missing.

Just some examples: image

I’ve seen this a few more times beyond just these two examples, and just wanted to point it out.


You are exactly right, many of these should include warnings after them that they are unnatural. I will find the ones that are missing the (Unnatural Japanese) tag and add them accordingly. Thanks for letting us know about it!


それをしながら書式を壊しないように気をつけてください( •̀ ω •́ )y

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