Finished N1!

I don’t know if this is the correct forum for it, and I wasn’t sure if I want to make a post, but…
I’ve been staring at the screen for a while now, unsure what to do next… Studying is all I’ve been doing in my free time for months now, it’s a bit disorienting that I am technically (very technically) done.
At this point, I feel like the only thing I can do is share :laughing:

It’s been tough but worth it, and Bunpro is such a great tool, it truly wouldn’t have happened without it :balloon::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats! It was no doubt a long way.

You can also take a look to Kansai-ben deck, this isn’t a part of the standard Bunpro track: 関西弁 [Grammar & Vocab] - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro
Also you can study vocab decks too, but as for me, I found them kinda waste of time. Immersion works better and it’s more enjoyable.



About how long did this take you?


184 days :laughing: I don’t recommend doing it this fast though


Wow that’s like half the time I expect to finish haha. What’s next for you

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That’s awesome
Thank you for sharing with me

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Lots of immersion I suppose :sweat_smile: and maybe that 関西弁 deck

congrats! iirc bunpro are adding extra grammar points/‘n0’ stuff soon enough so you can also look forward to more later on.


you’re awesome!

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Holy hell! 184 days! That is a mental pace. Really well done

Seriously i still cant get over the 184 day thing wow


Congrats! On to immersion media of your choice to eat up more vocab. Enjoy :partying_face:

Ive been using bunpro on and off for 194 days studied, and Im only about halfway there :sob: Love your Mona!

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@SoreWaMaichiru yeah! I’m looking forward to it :grin:

@Jace, @shankarsuresh thank you :see_no_evil:

@IcyIceBear it’s a marathon, I just had more time on my hands than a regular person :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
The best pace is what works for you :muscle:
I don’t recommend my pace anyhow, knowledge leakage is struggle lol


I was thinking exactly that “knowledge leakage” when I read your OP.

I did the same thing with Wanikani, where I got to level 60 at the fastest pace (a year and a couple of days) and now I regret doing that because, even though my reading ability skyrocketed, I wasn’t really able to retain all that information forever.

While it is impressive still, on hindsight, it is just better to take it slow and really internalize the material, which is what I’m doing now with BunPro. I have been slacking off big time though, so that’s not good either, lol. But I’m slowly getting back on track :blush:.

For anyone reading this, again, take your time and enjoy the process of learning. Going through that much material that fast is really not worth it. Anyone who’s done it will tell you the same, just like the OP did too.

That said, congratulations!! This is still an impressive achievement, so props where props are due. However, you’re still not done with BunPro, given you haven’t mastered all the levels yet, so hopefully you’re not moving on from it already. That would be a mistake, IMO. Just take it slow from here, now that you’ve reached your goal, and enjoy the process :+1:.


Yes, as said, I definitely don’t recommend it haha

I have some special circumstances which almost forced me to go this route (I won’t go into details :sweat_smile:) but I definitely think that slow wins the race here.
Whenever I get a review on a point I can’t sufficiently recall, I reset the SRS on it, that really helps with the leakage. I often wish WaniKani would’ve allowed for the same thing 🥲
Anyhow, I don’t plan on stopping until the reviews dry up completely :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That’s incredible. Well done! Hope you’re enjoying the view from the top of the mountain :wink:

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Waohoho, that’s super quick. And your “progress bars”(? if that’s what you’d call them, beginner vs adept vs seasoned, etc…) are looking really good too. How many reviews did you do per day? I’m 217 days in and doing 4 lessons per day, and I’m about to complete n2 lol

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I am very far from the top :sweat_smile: but thank you

217 day at N2 is very impressive imo
My reviews per day fluctuate, since some days I did dozens of lesson and other days only few so it can be anywhere from 30 to 100, depending on what srs cycle is upcoming :joy:

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30 to 100??? I wish I had your drive oml… I may be N2 but pretty much the entirety of my N2/N3 is beginner stuff/full of ghosts lol. It works for me since I know I’m still at least making some progress for when I need to be somewhat capable at speaking, but your progress is insane. Great work~!!

