I was thinking exactly that “knowledge leakage” when I read your OP.
I did the same thing with Wanikani, where I got to level 60 at the fastest pace (a year and a couple of days) and now I regret doing that because, even though my reading ability skyrocketed, I wasn’t really able to retain all that information forever.
While it is impressive still, on hindsight, it is just better to take it slow and really internalize the material, which is what I’m doing now with BunPro. I have been slacking off big time though, so that’s not good either, lol. But I’m slowly getting back on track .
For anyone reading this, again, take your time and enjoy the process of learning. Going through that much material that fast is really not worth it. Anyone who’s done it will tell you the same, just like the OP did too.
That said, congratulations!! This is still an impressive achievement, so props where props are due. However, you’re still not done with BunPro, given you haven’t mastered all the levels yet, so hopefully you’re not moving on from it already. That would be a mistake, IMO. Just take it slow from here, now that you’ve reached your goal, and enjoy the process .