For those who are doing N3 or have completed it

Hey there. I’m about ready to start working on the N3 grammar points. I’ve learned almost all the typical N3 vocabulary (not bunpro’s list, I’m aware that’s larger) and have most of N4 under my belt.

I was wondering how learning the N3 grammar felt to you in comparison to the N4 grammar. What was your experience? I’ve had quite a few things I’ve had difficulty solidifying in N4 (thanks keigo and transitive/intransitive verbs), though plenty of stuff wasn’t bad too.

If you’ve finished N3 and N4, how long did each take?


N4 went by quicker for me mostly because half of it wasnt new for me. (Learned from textbook waay before and refreshed on bunpro for upkeep). Felt like it took a couple weeks maybe 3.
But also… Because of the infamous N3 synonym hell. Maybe 1¹/² to 2 months on this one but it felt like ages

N4 might feel harder because it’s still introducing basic foundation that’s new to you as you get used to the language. But N3 takes that and builds on it by taking the same thing and adding different things to it to make it slightly different each time😭 N3 was a pain and I enjoyed N2 much more


It tooo me twice as fast and for times easier.
But I’ve spend reading and watching quite a lot stuff between those two

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Just finished N3 a few days ago. It was definitely easier than N4 for me, but I paced myself better and took my time, learning new items only on the low review days and keeping my already 160 days long full review streak. Halfway through N4 I had to reset Bunpro to zero once, due to the long break I’ve took, which caused me to forget even some basic stuff. I won’t need to do something like that for N3. I’ve finished N3 in around 130 days (you can go much faster, but it is dangerous), while N4 took much longer if you count that I’ve did it 1.5x times.
Still, I don’t have any confidence in using (not reading) this grammar yet, but maybe it will come after I have moved most of it to the expert SRS level.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the example sentences became much, much more nebulous than on the previous levels. There is a 50/50 chance that I will even understand what the sentence means, despite me answering the grammar correctly and generally having no problem at all with watching ~mid difficulty level anime with Japanese subs. I am afraid that Bunpro team was a little too liberal with the vocabulary and sentence structure on the N3 level, as without the context even not so difficult sentences become puzzling.
I also plan to start N2 in around 1 week and to finish it before this summer.