I feel like this is a niche question and I’m not sure where to direct it but here! It’s more like two questions though.
I’m an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan. I have two students from the Philippines at one of my schools but they are struggling with their tests due to a lower Japanese ability compared to their peers. I spend a lot of my downtime in the office using Bunpro and WaniKani to study and I’ve had my principal ask me a few times about programs those students could use or if Bunpro/WaniKani were free.
I saw that WaniKani has a section for “Japanese Educators” but I was wondering if there was something like that with Bunpro for those in Japan.
Does Bunpro have something for educators?
Does anyone know of free programs that may help in this situation?
Thank you so much for any feedback or insight! I’m so sorry if this is the wrong category.