I know that Bunpro’s primary focus is on the JLPT. But for me, I personally think that it makes much more sense to learn vocabulary based on frequency. It just doesn’t make sense to me why I should learn about the likes of 産婦人科 (a word I didn’t even know in English despite being basically fluent) before learning words like あたし (simple example). Of course, with the new community decks feature there’s always the option to just create your own, but I’d personally love it if Bunpro allowed you to choose frequency as a default option, maybe even showing progress bars based on frequency instead of the JLPT levels on the dashboard (I’d hate not seeing the progress bars get filled for a while). Sorry if this has been asked before.
I think this is a shared sentiment between some users.
As you mentioned, there are probs gonna be some Core Decks coming up soon that will be a good alternative in the meantime.