So I typed my answer to this vocab card rather quickly without looking at the definition sentence and got this funny little warning message.
Are there other examples of funny messages like this?
So I typed my answer to this vocab card rather quickly without looking at the definition sentence and got this funny little warning message.
Are there other examples of funny messages like this?
Glad you like the warning!
I wish that we were more creative in some of our warning messages, but unfortuantely, in order to make them as easy to understand as possible, we are heading more toward a system where there is less variety of hints (about 30 unique hints). However, they should be much more directive toward the correct answer this way!
You will be happy to know that we are keeping that particular hint . In almost all cases, it should just indicate that you wrote something that you didn’t need to because it is already part of the non-answer part of the sentence ‘いちいち’ in the case of that answer .
I ran into that same warning before, but it was for another sentence where I added the particle に (I think ) when it was already included in the sentence. I thought that was great because it was telling me, “look closer”, in such a fun and intuitive way. It makes the reviewing process interesting!
If you just press “Enter” repeatedly, you can get some funny warnings too, like ¯(°_o)/¯ and (≧ヘ≦ )
Just remember to undo / hit backspace and redo the reviews correctly to avoid ending the review session having got everything wrong!
There are times I have to double enter because I cannot for the life of me remember. But seeing the ¯(°_o)/¯ and other expression messages makes the sting of submitting that blank answer a little easier. They’re great.
I saw that exact giddy hint only once, but given the amount of times I do the “do you even kana” mistake during reviews when my attention slips, I’m thinking it would be nice to have it in even more sentences