Furigana Reset Bug

The bug I find the most annoying, is that the furigana settings sometimes resets. I know a lot of kanji from WaniKani I want to practice it, but suddenly every kanji displays furigana. I have to regularly click on all the kanji I know to reset that I remember them. Is there anything I have done to cause this, or do I just have to live with it? This have happened regularly for the past year.

I experience some other bugs as well, but this is by far the most troublesome. Sometimes the scroll bar disappears, not all items want to show up in cram sessions, and sometimes the “undo” and “play sound” buttons are completely unaligned. With that being said, I absolutely love BunPro and the team has done a great job.


I am having the same issue but I can’t disable it from my profile as the site keeps crashing and it’s really slow now

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I think this is a new issue because I just started experiencing it today…
For me, all the furigana is displaying even though I have the Wanikani option set. When I try to update my profile in the settings, it just goes to a white screen.
The play button or the p hotkey don’t seem to work in reviews, and the play button and oops message are misaligned.
I’m also getting a whole host of errors in the console, but I don’t know enough about coding to figure out what’s going on.

Edit: I got the audio to play once I switched from Firefox to Edge, but the furigana issue is still happening.

Edit 2: 2 hrs later, furigana seems fixed, play button still unaligned.


Thanks for pointing this out. I took a look and found a couple ways to improve the Wanikani API call can catch some errors. I think things should be back to normal now.

I will take a look at those other issues mentioned. If you happen to see the unaligned buttons could you send me a screenshot please?

@Ambo100 should be fixed now


Thank you. I will try to document it with screenshots if it happens from now on. Note that the Furigana was often forgotten before I matched with WaniKani, it is a bug that has happened quite often during the last months. When I just did my reviews now, it was fine, but was not in the morning.

Hi, here is a couple of screenshots.


The undo button weirdness also happens with the Oops! button, if that helps