Game vocab

you know when you wander around the internet, find something interesting, put it back down again and then for the life of you, can’t remember where it was you saw it?

I (think) I read that there’s a vocab list for dragonquest 11 somewhere … anyone know more… sorry quite tired right now…

3 Likes has vocab lists for a few games, incl. DQXI:


crikey, literally every word! overkill!

The thing is that the vocab list are linked between them. You can see the coverage of words you have for a game or book even before you start it.

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Probably works well if you’re using that SRS already, (I’m not, already have plenty of repetition in my spaces thanks :smile: )
I was thinking more a long the lines of a crib sheet/vocab list like the old WK bookclubs I did… so can look up quite specific words like ‘dragons blood radient gem’

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I’m not sure if there’s something specifically for dragon quest 11, but here’s a Reddit link to a discussion about Japanese text dumps / transcripts for a number of games. It includes a link to a Google spreadsheet for Japanese text dumps that include some older dragon quest games, and links to other sites like

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If your anki decks have a card feild that is the word by it’s self. JPDB can cross check them.

Here’s a link to a Google doc that points to a transcript for Dragon Quest 11s:

Google doc with game transcripts and some Anki decks

From this Reddit post


I’ve started slogging through DQXI and collating my unknown vocab on a kitsun deck. Tough going & time consuming but satisfying.