Genki Chapter layout?

Perhaps this has been mentioned before. Apologies if it has, I couldn’t find anything in the forums.
I stopped using BP a couple of months ago, but now I’m back.
Before, I could see the genki grammar broken down by the chapter from the textbook. I found this useful.
Now, I just see a wall of grammar from the genki textbook. I get that it’s in the order it appears in the textbook, but breaking it into chapters was helpful.
Is it something on my end, or was that feature discontinued? It’s the same whether I’m on the website or the app.
Thank you.

If you change the deck setting called Sorting Order to default it should show it in chapter groupings.


Thank you!
I think there was something quirky going on.
It was already on the default setting, so what I ended up doing was changing to the “general” setting, then changing it back to the “default.”
After that, things seemed to right themselves.
Thanks again :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the app is still the same, and I’m not sure how to change it.
I’ve even re-installed the app, but it’s still one long list of grammar rather than chapters.

Hey @drt ,
Which deck are you using? Genki Complete or Genki Grammar?
If genki grammar, then it is not split by chapters at the moment.
Only Genki Complete deck has chapters.

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Yes, Genki Grammar.
Thank you for the info. I’m using the grammar deck.
Maybe I’m going insane, but I was positive it was ordered by chapter before?? :slight_smile:
Thanks anyway, appreciate your reply!