Genki or bunpro

Which is better? The vocabulary aspect for genki and kanji aspect is usless as i am past n5 kanji and aswell as vocab for that matter should i stick to bunpro path or move to genki which gives me a better grasp on grammer?

I use a combination of the 2. I like the extensive exercises that Genki has but I like Bunpro for the flash card style approach.
I have been picking up the grammar points in Bunpro in the order they appear in Genki and I have found it reinforces my recall.
The thing is, what works for me might not work for others so a lot of my language study has been trial and error.
I think it is important to consult multiple sources for each newly learnt grammar point so you can pick out the nuance so I also check the point in the Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar.
Maybe I do too much but it helps me understand how to USE the grammar so it’s helpful for me.

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I looked at the Genki 2 edition 1 grammar, and as I have done most not if all, I found which might make the change futile. I might use the second book, and when I add stuff, are the reviews in a different section?

Sorry I dont really understand what you mean when you ask if the reviews are in a different section?
Do you mean the Bunpro review cards for Genki Volume 2? There is a Bunpro deck for this textbook as well as for Genki Volume 1.
However if your grammar knowledge is above Genki - as you mention you have already covered most of the grammar in Genki Volume 2 - you may want to consider Quartlet 1 and 2 which are the next level up. However it depends on if you want the structure of textbook learning.

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