@Pushindawood I couldn’t find an answer in the FAQ, so I figured I’d ask here. If you get the same review wrong more than once in the same session, does that change the SRS value differently than getting it wrong once? I ask because sometimes I intentionally get a review wrong a second time to create a Ghost review (I have it set to minimal), but I want to make sure it doesn’t impact anything else.
Nope! Your SRS level only changes once during a review session; regardless of how many times you submit an answer, your SRS level will only be affected once.
For correct answers, that means that your SRS interval goes up by one “streak” level (1-12). When you get an answer incorrect, it cuts your streak in half goes down one “streak” level. .
Let’s say that you have gotten a grammar point correct 3 times and you are on your 4th streak, if you get the grammar point correct in your next session, it gets moved to the 5th streak level and it will appear in your queue in 4 days. If you get it incorrect it falls to streak level 2 and will reappear in your queue in 8 hours.
@Pushindawood Hm is this new? I don’t remember it behaving like that.
From what I usually see is - if I answer something incorrectly it just moves one level lower.
@Kuromaku Hey, you’re right! I forgot that we changed the system back to only drop one “streak” level. Sorry about that. Cheers!
What happens to the accuracy statistic though? Does it only affect your accuracy the first time you got it wrong? Or does it continue to affect your accuracy if you get it wrong multiple times in a single review session.
@Juppy Getting an answer wrong only affects the SRS and the stats for that item once in a review session.