Grammar Cheat Sheets

So I recently heard a youtuber talk about how she’s using grammar cheat sheets, hanging them on the wall at her desk.

I think having a quick overview like that just like back in school would be great. Sadly I can’t find anything above N5 level.

Do you guys use more advanced cheat sheets and can recommend resources?


There use to a spark notes ones but I downloaded the images of from a info dump thread in 2012 so not sure if they still exist or have an updated version
Can’t remember what level they went to since I looked at it when I knew next to nothing lol

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Thank you I’ve never heard of spark notes before. But I’ll try navigating the side and see what comes up.

How about all verb conjugations on one (ok, two) A4 sheet? Aeron Buchanan’s Japanese Verb Chart:

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Why not make your own? It’s a good way to study too.

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Thank you! :heart_eyes:

Figuring out a nice layout and spending time on visuals so it’s longterm nice to look at is a waste of energy and mental capacity