Grammar deck companion

The last few years I’ve made recognition cards alongside BunPro in Kitsun. I was having a difficult time jumping right into productive output on BP for some grammar points and as more grammar point became literary or had clusters of synonyms, I needed a method to iron this out on the side or have recognition practice. Recently, I decided I wanted to make something more proper and worth sharing (plus I could never find what I wanted on Anki boards).

So I share this as a ‘companion’ to BunPro as there are practice elements I’ve sought that are not on the platform so I’ve had to make them myself and perhaps others could find a benefit. But I see them as complimentary that does something differently SRS wise (repeat content for SRS level).

Just to note, none of the content comes from BP but you can work along side it.


Kitsun Deck here

This deck includes grammar entries and sentences on for levels N5-N1. Each card is has a hyperlink to the JLPT Sensei’s website for full description and usage. Please support their web traffic and/or patreon as they made this content possible. Layouts modified from Hine’s awesome 10k template, audio auto-generated via Neicudi kitsun magic.

How to Use this Deck:

Deck templates are seperated by N Level (sentences) or grammar point alone (vocab) which is also tagged by N level. Number tags are aligned with JLPT sensei’s grammar number listed on their website as well as sentence example #

There is also a BunPro hyperlink for grammar info reference (if entry matched to BP’s list) and can be used alongside as a recognition deck to compliment productive entry practice. I’ll let the mods if they are ok keeping this post or not

Having trouble reading Vocab?

Vocab mining extensions for Kitsun:


Fire Fox


Phone Apps

Why is this any different?

The deck can be worked in several ways:

  1. User can treat the grammar points as traditional vocab exercise with either productive entry or flip card with Jp->meaning or Eng->Jp. I find this useful just to recognize the grammar point exist.

  2. User can grind sentence reading, each point has ~7-10 sentence to get familiar with usage. Again the SRS system running more like a traditional repeat step system where each entry get clear. Flip card only.

*Noteworthy, is the the sentence cards have audio and layouts can be set for listening comprehension practice and divided by N level

You will also notice there are BunPro links to each entry so you can flip to your BP account to reference or make notes on grammar usage (as well JLPT Sensei’s website). Some entries are not a perfect match but many are.

Sample 1: Grammar meaning / English to Japanese

Sample 2: Sentence Reading / Listening Comprehension


This is incredible! I can’t overstate how much I appreciate this! I’m a big fan of Kitsun and the hinekidori 10k deck is my current primary Japanese learning resource. Whenever I come across vocabulary while reading or watching anime etc, I always see if the vocab exists in the 10k deck and push the word to the front. I do the same thing with bunpro to try to reinforce the grammar, though it’s not common for it to appear in that deck.

And here you come in and provide this deck that is absolutely perfect for my study method! I’ll have to figure out how best to integrate this into my study routine, but I’m thinking I will continue to always push trouble grammar to the front so that I learn the grammar with an SRS system that I know just clicks for me.

I’m just about to finish N3 on bunpro but this deck will make going through N2 and N1 so much better. Anyone still closer to the starting line will hopefully find this even more helpful.

Thank you again! Know that you have at least made one persons day today :smiley:


Great! Glad to know I’m not the only one that would find this useful. :slightly_smiling_face:


Pity that it’s only for Kitsun users. This looks great!


Ah okay, it’s the ‘promise you got it right’ kind of SRS. I’m unfortunately too big of a cheat for that. Will be excellent for the discplined.


You can type the entry (sample 1) if preferred for Jp->Eng meaning or Eng-> Jp and one could disable flip functions in the deck settings. Sentence reading and listening comprehension (sample 2) would be a user’s judgement if they got it right or want to practice more…that would be a ‘promise you got it right’ moment :slight_smile: (or decide to practice it more or not moment)

Just my 2 cents for what it is worth, I do not find productive entry to necessarily be a filter for ‘cheating’ an answer for me. Every platform I’ve worked with (WaniKani, BunPro, Kitsun) has an over-ride ability which is essential for various reasons, but mainly typos other might be correct meaning not excepted or different Jp entry for same Eng meaning…so I find I need the same discipline, just one form takes alot longer to finish reviews. In fact, the temptation for me to ‘over-ride’ is greater with a large pile of typing SRS to review and limited time or worst, on mobile devices where typing answers is even slower. So if I need the same discipline, I’d rather cover more material in the same allotted time…depending on the content, I still use productive input for select studies like kanji writing. That said, I know others have great success with productive entry and highly prefer it as it is some type of threshold to force more honesty.

For those pairing two SRS methods, like BP with this deck, I would suggest having a ‘fast’ method for flipping in order to have time for harder testing method and productive entry here on BunPro and keeping up, otherwise it can be a time suck managing two grammar SRSs mixed with other studies…at least that was my experience, to each their own of course on what works for them.


as more grammar point became literary or had clusters of synonyms, I needed a method to iron this out on the side or have recognition practice

Glad to see I’m not the only one having this problem. I’m halfway through N2 and I keep having trouble distinguishing the various ways of expressing “can’t afford to, unable to, impossible, unless, not necessarily, no guarantee,” and things along those lines.

I actually went the Anki route (using both recognition and recall cards) to supplement Bunpro, but thanks for sharing this. Hopefully, it’ll help other learners.


Yes, an excellent write-up on SRS. Perhaps it’s the passiveness that turns me off. I’m the type that scribbles lots of notes when revising. My mind will wander easily and keeping my hands engaged does help with this.
I’ve just picked up an excellent Genki deck on Kitsun and it also adds a listening comprehension aspect that it quite novel and engaging.