Hey there!
いい can be used with がる, and the correct form for it is 良がる 善がる or よがる. Personally, I have never used it and I can’t recall a time where I’ve heard this used, but after looking at the dictionary, it seems it’s a real word!
Hey there!
いい can be used with がる, and the correct form for it is 良がる 善がる or よがる. Personally, I have never used it and I can’t recall a time where I’ve heard this used, but after looking at the dictionary, it seems it’s a real word!
Thank you for the answer!
I’ll try to google to see what a sentence with 良がる looks like.
I believe there is not explanation of how 怖がらないでね becomes don’t feel scared . I believe a section explaining がらないで should be added to the page.
In BP order, がる (JLPT N4) | Bunpro is N4 L3, and Verb[ないで] (JLPT N4) | Bunpro is N4 L7, so indeed it looks like it’s possible to be tested on this combination before seeing both lessons.
ないで is also sort of introduced back in N5 ないでください (JLPT N5) | Bunpro, there’s a side note “In casual speech, ください can be omitted, resulting in the request finishing in で”.
I don’t really have an opinion if this should be mentioned in がる, or if sentences testing grammar combinations should be a thing at all, but hope this helps nevertheless.
One of the sentences
Is translated as "This is your first time on an airplane so I think it might be scary, but don’t feel scared. Shouldn’t it be “… but please don’t be scared”?
same thing. ください can be added to be more polite with the “please” part.
怖がらないでね is friendly, and a bit more casual than 怖がらないでください