Grammar in the Wild - 100 days of Grammar!

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Did you know that today marks the 100th day of Grammar in the Wild? We have translated so many different things so far, and have seen lots of people participating in the activities. Let’s take a moment to look at some of the statistics.

Unique grammar points used -

We made an effort for this first 100 days to not use the same grammar point more than once. This was to highlight how easy it is to find unique grammar on a day to day basis, and how useful it is for helping you decoded sentences. :male_detective: We will continue to try to use unique grammar as much as possible, but we’d also like to encourage you guys to send us some of your ideas! If you find something interesting that is short and could be featured as a ‘Grammar in the Wild’ point, feel free to send it to one of the admins and we will do our best to include it.

Who has been participating? :weight_lifting_man:

Great work to everybody! Whether it be a daily dose like some of our users, or just dipping your foot in the water to test yourself, we appreciate everyone that has participated so far! We also encourage more users to participate! There are no right or wrong answers, just opportunities to learn. :partying_face:

What about the September winners?

September was a really difficult month! We had so many great translations, and many interesting discussions about what some of the unique nuances were. However, our final decision was …

@mathijsdm for the sheer effort put into looking up all of the unknown words and trying to piece it back together! Great work, and please contact @Jake about your prize!

For the honorable mentions, we cannot look past @HotAirGun and @s1212z, who both have 100% participation. You both will be receiving a special badge in the near future!


We have almost finished the final designs for all of the badges, and they will be released soon! There are different ways to get them, and we will reveal a bit more about those different ways as soon as they are released. :bowing_man:

Thanks again to everyone that has participated so far, and let’s continue to have fun translating!


Hey I’m in 5th place! :sunglasses:

Congrats @mathijsdm, @HotAirGun, and @s1212z! :partying_face:


I really should participate in these. The allure of a shiny, digital badge is appealing to me for some reason.


Congrats to @mathijsdm as the winner!
That was a really impressive translation job! :bowing_man:t2:


Seriously have I done 23? Doesn’t feel like it :joy:


Congratulations to everybody (@Asher and @Jake included for this great daily exercise*).


more or less


Wow, did not expect that I would win ^^ As you’ve mentioned I don’t think it was an easy choice as there have been many wonderful translations / discussions the past month. But thank you very much for picking my translation, it made my day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You really should! It’s admittedly why I started joining, but it has quickly become my favourite part of the daily study grind :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I fell off hard! Was doing it every day when it started and then I moved and kind of keep forgetting to do it. They’ve been a ton of fun even if they make me pull my hair out sometimes, but that’s how you learn!

As I long to collect every badge, I’m mad I can’t get that special 100% participation badge now :joy: But for real, this has been a blast to do, hopefully the number of new participants continues to grow!


Congrats to everyone who participated, @mathijsdm as well! :bunprogold: :medal_sports:

By my count, I thought I was batting 1.000 because I have 96 entries on my google sheet when I recently back logged (minus 4 free for all translations). For practice usage, I’m 94/96 (skipped a few in the beginning but still had a translation for the day but will fill those in on my own).

I encourage everyone to practice writing the daily grammar point with a sentence of your own, writing is a great way collect your thoughts on grammar usage and to transition naturally to speaking, I’ve found it beneficial. Plus what better way to solidify a grammar point sentence than your own imagination (I’ll have mine double check eventually just to be solid). And speaking/conversing is where grammar is fun for me. I’ve read so many times in the community where users have stated grammar is a grind and painful, it doesn’t have to be. Don’t be afraid, no shame making a mistake here, we are all learning as well.


I had a feeling that might be the case. I assume what happened is that you (maybe) got in late one day, and had two translations in the same block of text, or in the same space between days. (Or I genuinely just could have miscounted) :sweat_smile: Will fix it for you!