Grammar lessons with multiple usages

So for some context, I’ve been using Bunpro as my primary learning source for about a year, because I got a lot more busy with work and I don’t really have as much time to study grammar. So I’ll read over the given definition for a grammar point in bunpro, read one or two of the example sentences, and move on. This generally works, but the following situation has occurred a few times so far and is pretty frustrating.

To illustrate my problem, today I came across the following review for をはじめ :

先生をはじめ 、生徒たちにも教えてあげてください。
Please teach teachers, as well as students.

It’s really not clear that this sentence should use をはじめ (probably at least partially my fault for not reading all the way through the example sentences), so I reviewed the lesson in Bunpro and I saw that the definition for をはじめ was, as I remembered, listed as “not only…but also…, starting with”. But then after reviewing the remaining example sentences and the additional readings, it looks like a use for this grammar point is to express this emphasis towards an item in a list.

To me, at the very least, “not only…but also…, starting with” and topic emphasis are two very different usages. So why are both usages crammed together into a single lesson? I think it would be very helpful to split this into two separate lessons and test their usages separately. As it stands, both usages count towards the same SRS.

More generally, this is not only an issue with をはじめ; off the top of my head, に対して and かえって also have the same issue and I’m sure there are a few more.

And I guess sorry for making yet another negative thread, I really do like Bunpro but I think there are a few annoyances that can be ironed out.


Hey :smiley:

We listen!
Our goal is to split up grammar that should be split and this is one of them!
So it is just matter of time.

Cheers! :bowing_man: