I love bunpro, but I feel like there could be improvements made to the nuance of some grammar points, particularly the “have to” ones.
For example:
- -なくてはいけない/ならない
- -ないとだめ/いけない
- -なければいけない/ならない
Plus all the polite ます version of the above mentioned.
I feel like whenever I see a “have to” or a “must do” in my grammar reviews, I am just cycling through each of these until one of them is marked correct.
I run into cases where なくてはいけない is incorrect while なくてはならない is acceptable. Which I don’t feel is actually the case here based on my understanding of the grammar points. It could have something to do with formality, but that isn’t really made clear when I re-read through the grammar points.
I feel that either they should all be accepted as correct, or more nuance added to the grammar descriptions to explain the differences, so that I can enter the correct one during reviews.