I’m currently reading カードキャプターさくら and struggling a bit with Kero’s lines, the most recent of them is this:
I’m not entirely sure what’s this んで doing after the て form. Any help will ve appreciated
I’m currently reading カードキャプターさくら and struggling a bit with Kero’s lines, the most recent of them is this:
I’m not entirely sure what’s this んで doing after the て form. Any help will ve appreciated
This is just kansaiben. や = だ, さかい = because/ので/から, せやけど = そうだけど, わい = I/me, ~てん = ~た/~たんだ, で = よ(or at least similar but actually can sound stronger).
I don’t know this manga but if this is a frequently appearing character then it may be worth browsing a kansaiben guide so you’ll spot it more easily as and when it comes up.
I actually did the kansaiben deck but forgot で is likeよ so it threw me off (“like ので? But after て? What?”)
Thank you kindly