Help with understanding slurring

I’ve purposefully avoided reading manga in favour of graded readers, short stories and light novels up until now.

I started on some manga, and I’m really struggling with understanding and then remembering how somethings are slurred/mutated.

What was yesterdays one that stumped me? it was something to do with ば form becoming something that looked nothing like ば form. Really had me going ‘eeehhhh!!’

Obviously the more I read, the more familar with this style of Japanese I’ll get but in the meantime does anyone know of a crib sheet or resource that I can refer to ?



Oh you turn ~えば into ~りゃ



This list has probably got you covered for the most part. You may still come across some dialect contractions which will stump you though.

This is from 食べれば so it is れば becoming りゃ which does make some sense (I like your example sentence w).


Awesome link, thanks.

I was about to ask if this is just manga language, when my eyes drifted to the following. Yeah, hear じゃん! alot on Terrace house so… I guess it probably varies by a few factors context, who talking to, age etc some of these will be used in real life by 格好いい若者 but as a ダサい中年 I’ll steer clear of

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They are all used in real life but who uses what does depend on the exact person and context. Some of them are normal for basically anyone, some sound kind of rough, some sound younger, some sound feminine, etc. Also some of the ones listed are used primarily in Kanto and other contractions/ways of speaking are preferred in different areas.

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