Hide provided word when reviewing?

Is there a way to hide the word that is being worked with when reviewing? Like for example, say the question is asking me to use 「すぎる」and the hint below says “~is too delicious~” (or something like that). My question is, is there a way to hide the 「美味しい」 that shows up on the side of the sentence?


I do not believe so. Even if this was possible, you’d just end up having to undo a lot of answers because you used an incorrect synonymous word. Of course this could be avoided by tolerating synonyms, but that’s unnecessary work for a grammar focused site.

I think it’s a good idea to keep it because your options are either

  1. Keep it as it is
  2. Guess the word and like @rx7 said, have to undo a lot of answers
  3. read the english version and get the word that way which then hampers your ability to practice your comprehension
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Well the thing is it would just be a hide feature. You wouldn’t have to get the review wrong due to you not remembering the word - you could just unhide it.

It would just be a feature that makes it so the person is able to also practice recalling their vocab in the process. If they don’t know the word, they can just unhide it. Also, if they don’t want to risk getting the review wrong, unhide it before they submit their answer.

My problem is that my eyes always wander over to the side there and accidentally see the word, so having a feature that could toggle the word would be nice.