I want to do bunpro with the grammar for genki 3rd edition, but I already downloaded and am using an anki deck for the vocab. Is there a way to do just the grammar?
There are grammar only decks for Genki volume 1 and 2. If you go to decks, then textbooks, the volume 1 should be the 4th deck listed and the volume 2 should be the 8th deck listed if you are on 3rd edition.
Just use the grammar decks, they’re right next to the complete decks but here I’ll link them for you. Welcome to the community but also, consider checking out the complete deck. Having a lot of example sentences for the vocab might help you
I really agree with this, I did the vocab in Anki but when I started doing the vocab on Bunpro, having the example questions reinforced the learning as I could see HOW to use the vocab, such as 張るwhich you learn in the textbook as “to paste” but a popular context is “to put up a tent”.
Context is key when retaining and being able to recall vocab and grammar