How does bunpro choose which sentence to review for a given grammar point?


I’m curious how the review system works. It seems there is a pool of sentences available to review for each grammar point, that overlaps to some extent with the examples.

How does the system choose which sentence to show when I review a grammar point? Is it linked to the SRS system, each step corresponding to a different sentence or is it something else?


Basically, yes. It quizzes you on a sentence, and if you get that right, then you advance an SRS stage and get quizzed on the next sentence after a longer wait period than the one before. The sentences generally go in order that they’re presented in the Examples tab. (I’m not sure if they have tweaked the sentence-choosing algorithm recently.)


I wonder if custom sentences will be chosen to be in the reviews. It’d be fun if they could! (Of course you’d have to be careful at choosing grammatical sentences)