How the heck are JLPT N-levels decided?

How is it misleading if they make it very clear in the next couple lines that they do not test output ? :man_facepalming:


Implying that they somehow they take into an account “ability to use the knowledge in actual communication.” since it is number 2 most important thing, when they are clearly not?

I don’t see why you are ready to defend that. I own 2 macbooks, i had 5 iphone. Does it mean I have to pretend apple business conduct is most moral and honest? It clearly not.

There is no link between “i use there service” - > “they have perfect business ethical code”

But anyway: that’s the least important bad thing about that test. Please challenge more important point and we can have normal discussion. :hugs:

If that is such a big problem, then let’s blame my english for it. It is not that important to me. :hugs:

Yeah, I think you’re interpreting this the wrong way.
What I think they’re saying is “Testing output is important to us, so we’re testing it indirectly through testing your understanding of grammar because that’s the best thing we can do with machine-scoring”

I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion that I’m defending the JLPT because I used it :thinking:
I’d like to think I’m defending it because I believe you’re wrong in how you’re interpreting what they’re saying.


@xBl4ck @MacFinch
Your comments are straying off-topic. Could you refrain or open a separate thread/PM? Thank you.


You won. I lost.

Any other more important point?

Please do, would speed up reading manga a lot probably


I agree with you but the thing I don’t really understand about the JLPT is the way they often design the questions for the reading sections. I think the focus should be on whether you understand the Japanese or not, and not on your ability to make various kinds of subjective judgement calls. If there is a question you might get wrong even if you understand all of the Japanese just because you made a slightly different judgement call than the test makers or your way of thinking was sightly different, then it’s a poorly designed question in my opinion.

In particular, they seem really inconsistent with how strict they are with regard to epistemology. Meaning, sometimes they will say ‘this is safe to assume from context because it’s probably true even though it’s not definitely true’ and sometimes they will say ‘no you can’t just assume that, even if it’s very likely from the context, it needs to be explicitly stated its true’.


That’s why statement like:

“It is important to us” [commonly known facts] “therefore” [our methodology known to not try to test it and being polar opposite to other methodologies design to do so]

Are at very least white lies to me. It is judgement call - our my bad English if somebody want to think so. That’s why I provided a link. Having debate over it strange since judgement calls are full of bias. I found it interesting and relevant they “agree” that common sense knowledge about what this kind of test should test, is not wrong in their view. Different story if they would make their case against it. :hugs:

But having debate over it seems to be pointless - off-topic. :hugs:

BTW: I am fully aware you are speaking on something else and you seems to disagree with my judgment call. Not my point though :hugs: I agree with your opinion on JLPT. I try to make a statement about 2 things at once : >

I’d read it!