How to clear large review backlog


How can I clear out 300 reviews from not logging in for long periods of time?

Is there any way to adjust the algorithm pacing?

I can comfortably learn 30 words a day with 85-90% retention (to be fair I have 18000 mature words so these are often compounds or dictionary phrases) but I get exhausted making typos on this app and I don’t know if it’s even worth clearing my reviews and starting over.

Doing more than maybe 30 reviews a day makes me want to die even though if I review the same points as recognition and am asked to explain the grammar points I have no problem adding ten words a day with the grammar explanations given in simple unadorned Japanese.

How do I clear up this gap efficiently?

I’d like to budget maybe 150-200 hours max of direct study for grammar between now and the N1 date this December (not included in my time reading of course) but I feel like the review system is very heavy.


If you are reviewing grammar as part of this turning off ghost reviews if you haven’t already may at least prevent more reviews from building up if you get items wrong.

What I’d probably do is decide on a set amount to complete a day - so for example 30, like you mention. Then I’d split that in half and do 15 morning, 15 evening if possible so it feels like less of a grind. If you can do more in a broken up pattern like this then that will help reduce the items faster.

Even with that it would still take a couple of weeks to eat through the backlog - during which I’d avoid learning any new items to reduce any additional load.

You mention typos are an issue - it should be possible to undo any that you get wrong which will prevent it being marked as incorrect and give you another shot.

The other alternative is to set aside a couple of hours, put on some music, and attempt to brute-force the backlog - which whilst not fun will clear it at a much faster rate and is probably the most efficient.

Good luck!


As someone that constantly has 200+ reviews, sticking to an amount you’re comfortable with, but doing it consistently is the ticket. It will work itself out in the end! 頑張れ!