I got a “little” problem with my strategy, and I would be grateful for any input.
I am taking more less “immersing route”. I want to be able to read for pleasure ASAP. But I use Anki a lot to make sure I do remember kanji and words I encounter. But it starting to be more and more problematic. Anki slowly but surely is reaching the point when I almost don’t do anything else, and my motivation is drowning as well…
It was ok at the begging since it was part of the plan to invest a lot of effort upfront to make it easier later. It may look as well that is is better now (and it is kind of true I guess?) but the truth is I may spent less on Anki itself but I finish it later anyway (I need more and more break between short session since it is so demotivating that I am no able to force myself to spent more than 15 minutes without a break). Last two days I didn’t even do all of the reviews for the first time…
I put into my anki only kanji (english meaning first, then I write down the kanji and check answer) and words (Japanese word in kanji if it has it, and then reading, meanings and sample sentence as answer). I tried to make a deck for kanji reading as well but I already opt out. Same with grammar (Bunpro better )
Do you have any opinions how to reduce the use Anki for my vocab (I am happy with kanji)? I would like to spent maximum 2 hours for reviews and focus my time on reading. But the more I read the less time I have for reading because of review…
Thank you for your help in advance. And if you see something stupid in my approach then please go forward and say it without worrying about my feelings. In worst case scenario we just agree to disagree having wider view.
Edit: That was typo. I didn’t mean “with worrying”