Hello, is it possible to get the list of vocabulary I know from Bunpro to export it to Migaku so it can recognize what I already know ?
Hello, is it possible to get the list of vocabulary I know from Bunpro to export it to Migaku so it can recognize what I already know ?
Please add this feature; I would love to be able to export my known vocabulary since I have a database of lyrics at hand and I wanted to find which songs I should be able to understand, but without the export function this is not doable unless I manually type the words in a txt first
I agree this would be a very useful tool in the future.
I got tired of entering the vocabulary by hand, so I made this workaround
You can see your vocabulary by clicking the tiles in the progress sections.
And, if you can see it, you can copy it, or even better run a snippet in the terminal!
(You have to open the developer tools and go to the console)
I hope this helps!
all = []
myUpdate = () => {
const progress = document.querySelectorAll('#modal-portal .text-large')[0].innerText
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a.block h5')).map(e => {
const parent = e.parentElement
const word = parent.children[0].textContent
const desc = parent.children[1].textContent
return [word, desc, progress];
}).forEach(e => all.push(e))
myCSV = () => {
let csv = '"word", "description", "progress"' + "\n"
all.forEach(e => {
csv += `"${e[0]}", "${e[1].replaceAll('"', '\"')}", "${e[2]}"\n`
Run the code from above, then open each one of the progress vocabulary modals, scroll down until you can see them all at the same time (the pagination is 200, so press “See More” until you can see all your vocab, and once you see them run the code below
That will save the visible vocabulary into the all array, and if you want to print them as a CSV run the code below
It should print the text
I’m too dumb for that console trick.
I hope Bunpro adds a feature for exporting the vocab in a list form, ideally with the Japanese word and the translation separated - or better: just the Japanese word.
For WaniKani there’s a separate Dashboard website working with the API, so one can easily copy the vocab. That might be an alternative for Bunpro if an export of the vocab isn’t possible.