I’m currently just crossing the halfway point of the N4 grammar lessons. One of my biggest concerns with the system at this point is that there are some situations in the example sentences that cause me to focus more on how to answer the questions rather than understanding how the grammar is used. The kinds of things that push me toward that are when the drills:
- use grammar constructions in other parts of the sentence that I haven’t learned yet,
- don’t give sufficient information for me to choose between similar grammar constructions that are being learned concurrently, and
- require the combination of multiple grammar constructions early in the example sentences, rather than starting out with the most “vanilla” (constructions that match the standard archetype) and slowly building from there.
In these cases, I have to shrug and just try to remember the answer to that particular sentence, rather than read the sentence thoroughly and reinforce my understanding. Getting the answer right is a sign of progress in learning the point, better than getting the answer wrong, but is the lowest level of progress when compared to understanding the grammar, and being able to understand it in input “out in the wild” or use it in output. I’m concerned that when I do this, the progress chart gets sandbagged by saying I’m more skilled in the grammar lesson than I really am.
So, I think there is an improvement request in there for Bunpro to update the example sentences so that the initial ones only include grammar constructions that the user would have studied previously in the study path, gradually progress to include more and more complex grammar, and save the ones with grammar that they wouldn’t be expected to know for the very end. (ie. start with a few sentences
with only standard, non-past verbs, gradually add past, te-, progressive, past-progressive, passive, causative, etc.) I know they are revamping their SRS system, and I’m hoping that this is a part of it.
However, people are obviously using the system to progress as-is, so my biggest question for my fellow users right now is: How do you build on the introduction to grammar points until it is natural?
The common answer is just to spam input, which is definitely a way to do it, but for much of the N4 grammar, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in my reading so far. Some appear all of the time (こと、そう、よう、あまり、など…)but am I really going to master some of them well enough to have recognition when they occasionally pop up during random input? しか~ない、~は~の一つだ、~ない~はない、すこしも~ない、すくなくない、くらいは… I’m not sure how to effectively drill these enough in Bunpro so that I can start recognizing them “out in the wild.”