How to toggle this furigana?

For some words like 受ける in the screenshot below, I know how to pronounce it so I want to hide the furigana. I tap on it, but then a dialog opens for ru verbs (second screenshot). When I close the dialog, the furigana is still there.

How should I toggle it?

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This is a common issue for myself as well.

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Hi there!
Thanks for the feedback.
I’ll bring this up with the team internally and see what we can do with it :muscle:


Sorry I don’t understand your instructions. Could you tell me how can I hide the furigana?

Sorry for the miscommunication. Currently it’s a bug (clicking on the word triggers both the furigana toggle and the grammar-point popup).
We’re working on a fix for this so hold tight!

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what worked for me was clicking on the kanji once. Then when the grammar point pop-up appears, click on the kanji again within the pop-up that seems to hid the furigana for me at least. That is assuming that the kanji itself appears in the pop-up.