How to use Bunpro properly?

Hey everyone!

I started using Bunpro recently alongside with Genki (using the Genki path). My idea was to use Bunpro to review the Grammar points I just finished in Genki. Due to that I don´t even add new Grammar points everyday because I need some time to finish a chapter. I feel like I am doing something wrong since I also have almost no reviews to do.
Another thing I was wondering about, today I misstyped while doing a review and corrected it after but at the end of the review it said that my reviews were 100% correct?

Thanks :wink:

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If you get an answer incorrect, do not press backspace, press enter. You will be presented with the same question again (maybe immediately, maybe after other questions).

As for the other question. I can’t help. Most people (myself included) would probably just recommend that you use the default path instead of genki. :slight_smile:

With the backspace, you have to make a judgement call: was it truly a typo and you actually knew it, or did you know it only after you saw the answer? Bunpro allows you to make progress even if you make an honest mistake. But if you only kinda-sorta knew it, like @rx7 said, you’re better off hitting enter so that it triggers more reviews (“ghosts”) for you.

As far as getting reviews, it sounds like you might: 1) have very few points to review so far, and 2) the ones in your queue have been marked all correct so it’s waiting longer and longer for your next review.

More info:


Hey thanks, both of you. I am aware how SRS works since I am using Wanikani as well but I had no clue that I could correct my wrong answer on Bunpro.
I will consider using the Bunpro path but maybe I could just finish the Genki path and then add all the N5 and N4 Grammar which I am still missing out.
I really like to use workbooks after all :smiley: