I-Adjective + そうだ

Hello! My level of japanese isn’t that advanced and my question is probably stupid but there is something i do not understand in the following sentence;

I can’t quite understand why the tadashii keeps both ii here? Hope someone can help me understand… thank you.


The important thing to understand is that there are two uses of そうだ. One is to report what one has heard, the other is to express an hypothesis. In the first case (hearsay), what is before そうだ must be a proper sentence, in plain form. Thus, for instance an i-adjective keeps its final i: so これが正しいそうだ (i’ve heard this is right). In the second case, the i-adjective loses its final i, which differentiates this case from the first case : これが正しそうだ (this seems right). Thus, in your image, I think something is wrong : either there is no final i, or the translation is wrong.


Thank you so very much for your answer. That really helps!!

The sentence comes from the following lesson:

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I see. This is probably an error then. Let’s invoke the gods: @mrnoone @Asher ?

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This is wrong. For some very strange reason そうだ as ‘seems’ was uploaded with example sentences for ‘heard that’. We got some feedback about it a day or two ago and it will be fixed asap.

The information section is correct, just the sentences are wrong. I’ll fix it personally this morning 🙇🏼‍♂️.

Really sorry for the confusion! The information sections are really important, and having misleading information in any of them is something I (and the team of course) really want to avoid at all times! @kebekor good work on noticing it straight away though, it is a good sign that your understanding was correct :blush: