I Have Studied on Bunpro for a Number of Days

obligatory dragon
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What n are you at.


My guess is around n5 maybe halfway through.

JK, that’s an awesome amount of tme, and let’s hope for another 1337 days!

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If you do one grammar point each day you would finish Bunpro in 900 days so I am guessing he took a long break and stopped adding stuff for 400 days

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“finishing” bunpro is a strange concept, as you never truly stop learning grammar. not to mention that is merely finishing the initial study.
Assuming you completely master everything with no mistakes would take 413 days after the fact. ofcourse, that is unfeasible without cheating your way through in all honesty.

The counter does not go up unless you review at least 1 non-ghost a day, so he has actively been doing so. but even then, he could only be doing 5 points a week or something.

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Yep, you’ll find that a lot of grammar if you don’t use it you’ll forget it.

It’s similar with kanji and everything else. The learning → forgetting → relearning cycle never stops. Thankfully each relearn is faster usually.


I know but I meant Bunpro grammar like wanikani if you finished doesn’t means you finished kanji because there’s like thousands more but you finished what Bunpro has to offer

if you are like me you get stuck on the forgetting part.

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I’m all the way through N3. I’m going through a backlog of other real life stuff before I start on N2. Working and being a Computer Science/Engineering student is a great recipe for barely any free time. I also spend a lot of time on each grammar point because I believe in the importance of initially studying an item since at times I have to drop everything save for bare minimum reviewing for a month to focus on a project or other real life duties. A weak initial foundation means completely relearning stuff from scratch over and over again. Anyways, my days studied counter now says leeb:


I’m curious what is a dragon status. I want a dragon too


ask and ye shall receive :dragon: