this made my day
I’ve made this particular mistake quite a few times on this particular review that it made me chuckle when i made the mistake
It happened to me before.
I don’t understand it.
In the OP case, the senatence already has に so there was no reason to add it to the grammar point. The one I personally saw was something using だ at the end when the sentence already had だ. Those eyes kind of scared me at first LOL I thought I wrote some obscenity and was getting judged harshly
It always gives me a little chuckle. Easily amused, haha.
i’m more amazed by 90 reviews wall, especially if it’s all grammar
Ah thanks I get now.
wait wait wait I thought 90 ish reviews was normal…?
I’m only learning like, 3 new cards a day, at most. Heck, I feel like I’m going excessively slow.
What’s a normal speed around here?
I think 3 per day is pretty normal, from what I’ve seen, though admittedly I’m not around very much. How many ghosts do you have?
Very much depends on your N-level. 3 N5 items a day? Probably okay. Same pace for N2 or N1? Very unlikely to be manageable for most people. At the upper levels the nuance gets a whole lot more complex, and will take more time for most people to fully understand.
90 reviews depends on if you’re doing it once a day or if you review more than once a day. A lot of people feel like ~90 reviews in total for 24 hours is the absolute limit and usually a sign to start slowing down a bit because it can start getting out of control.
3 cards a day is probably faster than the majority of the users here based on what they’ve said throughout my time. Assuming you’re starting from scratch with no prior knowledge, 2 cards a day is a reasonable amount. Whether you also review on the weekends or just do M-F is up to you, I always felt like M-F was for adding things and I took a break with Bunpro and Anki on weekends and only did reviews.
Grammar to me was always one of those things that needed a slower pace compared to vocab. Your brain is going to start racking up so many terms that if you aren’t reading/listening a lot of hours per day (which most people can’t manage) then you’ll start forgetting a ton and the reviews will pile up and you’ll start getting burnt out rather quickly. However, if your pace of 3/day is resulting in high review percentages and you’re having success then by all means keep it!
i think it was ok and pretty normal as for each person has different pace. And nice consistency to learn 3 cards per day.
As for me, i did 4 new grammar each day for n3 level (now completed), but lesson per day average is 60, no more than 70 top. But i manage to do all lesson per hour, so it wont pile up too many. That’s why i feel amazed by 90 review pile up in one go, imagining if it was n3 or up grammar haha
But dont mind me, just keep your spirit and consistency! You are okay & you can do it!
90 reviews I’d consider an upper medium amount of reviews.
Anything above 130-150 I’d consider too high over a longer period, though.
For reference my personal scale:
Below 30: low workload
30-90: medium workload
90-130: high workload
130-150: very high workload; try to reduce
150+: 地獄へようこそ😈