I want my reviews to come in multiples of 3 again

i don’t know what i did wrong, but since i started, my reviews always came in multiples of 3. now my forecast says i’ve got 3 due, but then in a few hours, it’ll be 4, not 6 like it should be. i don’t know why this broke the pattern of multiples of 3. i really, really, REALLY do not like this. is there any way to fix this? the extraneous “level up” system already sets off my ocd, but this is ruining my morning even since i noticed. :frowning:


I think if your reviews were always appearing in multiples of 3, it must be because you were studying new items also in groups multiples of 3. If doing so, and if doing all reviews correctly, this would continue happening, as next SRS stage time will be the same for those groups. But the moment you fail a single review for some item, its SRS stage will be different than the ones you review correctly, so it will appear at a different time (breaking then this orderly pattern of multiples of 3).

I can’t think of a proper way of preserving that pattern while using a SRS system… one way could be to artificially fail things on same SRS stage in groups of 3, if you fail one, you have to fail 2 others to form a trio


okay, i hadn’t failed any up until recently so i guess that explains it. honestly i think i’m just going to need to use a userscript to hide parts of the site.

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When you go into your review settings, click the gear, then turn on a review limit.

I do them in sets of 20 or less after playing a round of various video games. Keeps me from feeling overwhelmed :slight_smile: